Many Energy Resources Available to Andover Residents

Press release

Thanks to Tina Cotton of Andover Cable TV, a telecast of the October 19 “Financing Alternative Energy Projects” workshop  may be viewed soon on Andover Cable TV Comcast Channel 8 and also on  The workshop featured presentations by Steve Condon, marketing director for ReVision Energy, and Tyler Gilday, vice president for retail lending at Lake Sunapee Bank, […]

Andover Energy Group Minutes: October 2, 2013

Should Andover start a firewood "bank"?

October 2 Attending: Sophie Viandier, Susan and Larry Chase, Vicky Mishcon, Janet Moore. 1.”Financing Alternatives for Alternative Energy” workshop is on for Saturday, 10/19/13, at Town Hall from 10 to noon. 2. Groton Wind Farm visit is set for Wednesday, October 23, except for transportation. We need a firm list of who’s going. We will […]

Support Breast Cancer Research Shopping at Tanger

Savings through October 25

Press release

Pink is a bold color so significant that women everywhere know what it stands for immediately – it stands for hope! This fall, Tanger is offering its shoppers a way to join the fight against breast cancer with its annual PinkSTYLE campaign. From September 12 through October 25, the 20th annual Tanger PinkSTYLE Campaign will […]

New London Hospital, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Affiliation Takes Effect

Stronger clinical services, lower spending

Press release

On September 16, the proposed affiliation between New London Hospital (NLH) and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health (D-HH) was cleared to move forward by the New Hampshire Office of the Attorney General, having previously received a similar clearance from the New Hampshire Charitable Trusts Unit of the same office. Leading up to these decisions, a lengthy due diligence […]

Roast Pork Dinner at First Baptist Church in New London

Saturday, October 26 from 5:30 to 7 PM

Press release

A Harvest Supper will be held at the First Baptist Church on Main Street, New London on Saturday, October 26, from 5:30 until 7 PM. Roast pork with “all the fixin’s” and apple crisp for dessert will be prepared by “Chef Superior” Jeff Heath and his staff. Cost of the meal is $12 for adults, […]

Brenda’s Ride with Friends Raises Over $11,000 to Fight Cancer

Oncology patients at LRGHealthcare to benefit

Press release
Brenda’s Ride with Friends Raises Over $11,000 to Fight Cancer

Fifteen-year breast cancer survivor, Brenda Ganong, recently hosted the 11th Annual Brenda’s Ride with Friends: Fighting Cancer One Mile at a Time. The day was a huge success raising $11,200 for the oncology patients at LRGHealthcare. Brenda’s Ride started in 2003 with just 35 participants and has continued to grow with each passing year. The […]

Haunted Hayride and Pumpkin Carving Contest

October 26 event benefits Salisbury Fire Department

Press release

The Salisbury Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department will hold its first annual Haunted Hayride at Salisbury’s Maplewood Ball Field on Route 4 in Salisbury. Bring your carved pumpkin and enter to win prizes, enjoy apple crisp, hot apple cider, and popcorn and dare to be scared as you take a haunted ride through “Little Johnny’s […]

Warner Fall Foliage Festival Planned

Volunteers still needed

Press release

Plans are nearly complete for the 66th annual Warner Fall Foliage Festival, scheduled for Columbus Day Weekend. “This year’s festival will be outstanding. We’ll have crafters and a farmers market, rides, food, parades, road races, raffles, music, and entertainment for everyone … and more,” said festival president, Sean Bohman. “There are several competitions folks can […]

Workshop Details Financing for Alternative Energy Projects

10 AM on October 19 at the Town Hall

By Larry Chase, Andover Energy Group
Workshop Details Financing for Alternative Energy Projects

Interested in installing an alternative-energy system for your home or business, but having problems finding accurate information about the array of loans, rebates, incentives, and tax write-offs that might help pay the bill? Then plan to attend a workshop on Alternative Financing Strategies for Alternative-Energy Projects on Saturday morning, October 19, in the Andover Town […]

Andover Democrats Host Meeting on Healthcare Changes

Potluck supper at 6, presentation at 7 PM on October 21

Press release

As additional sections of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare, are set to take effect in October, area residents may be unsure what impacts these changes may have on their personal medical care, their insurance coverage, etc. On Monday, October 21, at 7 PM, the Andover Democrats will sponsor an informational evening, co-sponsored by […]