Teams are Forming to Finish the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Join a team or form a team for October 20 walk

By Kimberly Laro, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
Teams are Forming to Finish the Fight Against Breast Cancer

One hundred years ago, the American Cancer Society began the fight of a lifetime – the fight against cancer. Now it’s time to join together to finish the fight. Teams are forming for the 21st annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk, which takes place on Sunday, October 20, at Memorial Field in Concord at […]

Free Summer Speakers Continue at South Danbury Christian Church

Schedule for August

Press release
Free Summer Speakers Continue at South Danbury Christian Church

After a wildly successful July program, the South Danbury Christian Church will continue its summer speaker series on the first four Friday evenings of August. “We originally put together a winter series here at the church, thinking that’s a time when people need a good reason to get out of the house,” says Kathy Neustadt, […]

TRIP Center: August, 2013

Press release

ON THE ROAD AGAIN August 2013 LUNCH IN CONCORD AT VEANO’S Monday, August 12th 9:00AM Shop in Concord area stores then enjoy a delicious lunch at Veano’s. Transportation cost is $2.00 and must be paid at time of sign up. Lunch is your responsibility. Please sign up at the TRIP Center. FOXWOODS TRIP Wednesday, August […]

Andover Service Club’s Annual Report

Expresses thanks for help in serving the community

By Mary Ofenloch, ASC President

The fiscal year for the Andover Service Club (ASC) is from July 1 to June 30. Meetings for the Executive Board have been on Thursdays before the second Wednesday of the month from September through June. The full membership meets on the second Wednesday of the month from September through June. Beginning in September, the […]

Andover Lions Club Kicks Off a Busy Summer

Very active in Andover's successful Fourth

By Joyce Egge, Andover Lions Club
Andover Lions Club Kicks Off a Busy Summer

The Andover Lions Club held another successful Fourth of July Pancake Breakfast in spite of a mysterious power outage. Over 400 folks were served, and 15 Lions members with family and friends were on hand to prepare and serve the breakfast. Some of the members then moved over to the Village Green to sell fries […]

Wilmot Farmers Market Hosts WOW Info Center

New vendors for organics, Greek Food

Press release
Wilmot Farmers Market Hosts WOW Info Center

The Wilmot Town Green is buzzing with energy every Saturday morning from 9 AM to noon with vendors, customers, pets, and children, all enjoying the camaraderie that comes with a local market venue. Rain or shine, people come to shop, visit with their neighbors, and have a hot cup of coffee or a delicious breakfast […]

Reverend Emily Burr Visits KUUF

On a break from service in South Africa

Reverend Emily Burr Visits KUUF

Rich Kleinschmidt, Don Bent, and the Reverend Emily Burr pose for a photo at the Kearsarge Unitarian Universalist Fellowship’s (KUUF) final service of the 2012-2013 church year. Reverend Burr was the previous minister at KUUF before she and her husband, Rich, traveled to South Africa to serve in the Peace Corps. They are back in […]

Lakes Region Chamber Hosts Trip to China

July 30 meeting previews 2014 trip

Press release

If a trip to China is on your bucket list, the Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a trip to Beijing and Shanghai, China in the spring of 2014. To learn more about this once-in-a-lifetime travel opportunity, join the Chamber for an informal meeting on Tuesday, July 30, at 5:30 PM at the […]

Yard Sale to Benefit Women’s Education

Saturday, August 10, in New London

Press release

Chapter K of the Northeast District of the Professional Educational Organization (PEO) will hold a yard sale at the New London Historical Society Barn on Little Sunapee Road on Saturday, August 10, from 8 AM to 1 PM (no early-birds). Admission is free. All proceeds go to loans and grants for local women in college […]