August is recognized as National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM). The goal of NIAM is to increase awareness about immunizations across the life span, from infants to the elderly. Lake Sunapee VNA and Hospice has or can easily obtain most vaccines and will conduct numerous seasonal and H1N1 vaccine clinics beginning in October. If you have […]
Members of the Lakes Region Rotary Club are pleased to announce that AutoServ of Tilton will join them as the Presenting Sponsor of the First Annual Lakes Region Rotary Car Show, to be held Saturday, July 27 at Weirs Beach Lobster Pound. All are welcome to attend this family-friendly event, which will take place from […]
I know we said we’d have the coffeepot on, but it was too darn hot. But the weather didn’t discourage nearly 50 folks from attending the annual Andover High School reunion on July 6 in South Danbury. After some reminiscing, we began opening ceremonies with a rousing Andover High cheer. The class of 1958 got […]
The Wilmot Old Home Day Association invites everyone to celebrate Old Home Day on Sunday, August 18, beginning with a 10:30 AM church service at Wilmot Center’s First Congregational Church, followed by an 11:45 AM Bring Your Own Picnic Lunch with free ice cream on the shores of Wilmot Center’s Kimpton Brook. Then at 12:30 […]
Thursday Aug 1st FREE BLOOD PRESSURE/GLUCOSE CLINIC/ASK A NURSE PROGRAM New London Office 107 Newport Rd, New London 9 AM – 12 PM Info: 603-526-4077 Claremont Senior Center 5 Acer Heights, Claremont 10:30 AM – 12 PM Info: 603-543-5998 CHANGES AND TRANSITIONS: GROWING THROUGH GRIEF Lebanon Public Library 9 Park St, Lebanon 4:30 PM – […]
37 Pleasant Street PO Box 1263 New London, New Hampshire 03257 (603) 526-6368 EVERYONE is welcome!! August 2013 Tom & Tom’s Men’s Discussion Group Mondays 8:45am We want to hear your stories and we’ll share a few of our own. Come visit over an endless cup of coffee! In-Stitches Craft Group Mondays 10:00am Join fellow […]
The Wilmot Community Association (WCA) and the Wilmot Farmers Market will present “Imagination into Art,” an artists’ exhibit and sale opening with a reception from 4:30 to 7 PM, Friday, July 26 at the WCA’s Red Barn, 64 Village Road, next to the U.S. Post Office in Wilmot Flat. The event will continue from 9 AM […]
Kearsarge Regional Ecumenical Ministries (KREM) recently received a grant from the Bishop’s Charitable Assistance Fund. Grant money will support KREM’s ongoing ecumenical mission of meeting emergency needs of people in the Kearsarge/Sunapee region when other services are not available. The Bishop’s Charitable Assistance Fund awards grants to tax-exempt organizations, without regard to religious affiliation, for […]
If you live on one of our beautiful Granite State back roads, you know how difficult it is to attract yard sale hounds to your yard sale. The Danbury Community Center’s (DCC) Town-Wide Yard Sale (TWYS) fundraiser, on August 3 from 8AM to 2PM, comes complete with a map to steer people to your door. […]
Artists Weekend Saturday-Sunday, July 13-14, 10am-4pm Come enjoy watching prominent New England artists working en plein air amid the beauty of The Fells landscape and gardens. On Saturday, observe the artists as their creations take form. On Sunday there will be a children’s art table, and the Artists Reception and Wet Paint Sale with free […]