Franklin’s Medication Collection Box Nets Over 2,000 Pills

Helping keep prescription drugs off the streets

Press release

In May of 2012, the Franklin Mayor’s Drug Task Force, in collaboration with the Franklin Police Department, the Franklin Fire Department, and LRGHealthcare installed a permanent Medication Collection and Disposal Box in the lobby of the Franklin Police Department. The Medication Collection box was installed to address the vital public health and safety issue of […]

Andover Food Pantry in Need of Donations

By Maria Glorioso, Andover Food Pantry

Since volunteering for the Andover Food Pantry, I have become increasingly concerned about the amount of food needed to stock the shelves and the limited funds we have to succeed in this endeavor. Even more alarming is that the people we service will not have enough food to sustain them in these hard times. I […]

Andover Democrats Meet in Salisbury in April

Mario Ratzki speaks at April 10 meeting

Press release

The Andover Democrats will be meeting in Salisbury in April. The Salisbury Academy Building, also known as Academy Hall, will be the site of a joint meeting of any interested Andover and Salisbury Democrats. State Representative Mario Ratzki, Democrat Andover, will be on hand to answer questions and inform the public about what’s happening in […]

Freedom Alliance Discusses Sustainable Communities at April Meeting

April 2 discussion includes Agenda 21

Press release

The Andover Constitutional Freedom Alliance invites all interested New Hampshire citizens to attend our monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 2 at 7 PM. There will be a public discussion of “Agenda 21” versus “Sustainable Communities.” This will be an honest and open discussion on the pros and cons of both positions. Please be aware of […]

NHCHF “Visits” Taiwan

By Judy Perreault, NHCHF

Each year one of our programs focuses on a foreign country or place. We learn a little about their location, history, culture, and food. This year it was “Taiwan – The Other China.” Taiwan, formerly Formosa (Portuguese for “beautiful”), is the largest island of an archipelago 100 miles off the southwestern coast of China. The […]

Guest Night at the Andover Service Club

By Mary Ofenloch, President, Andover Service Club

On Wednesday, April 10 at 6 PM, the Andover Service Club (ASC) will hold its annual guest night in the Highland Lake Grange Hall. The purpose of this event is to welcome new and/or potential members to ASC for a social get-together and pot-luck dinner prepared by the ASC ladies. Entertainment will be provided by […]

Thank You, Andover Service Club Volunteers!

By Mary Ofenloch, President, Andover Service Club

For a service organization such as the Andover Service Club (ASC) to be successful in fulfilling its mission, dedicated volunteers are a necessity. For 54 years, ASC has been blessed with hard-working members who are willing to be of service to their community. Many of the ladies have been faithful volunteer workers for 20 years […]

Danbury Winter Market Ends with Antique Sock-Knitting Machine

Press release

Saturday, April 6 marks the last Winter Market of the season for Blazing Star Grange in Danbury. Open from 9 AM to 1 PM, the market has two floors of vendors with a wide array of products. A hot breakfast of egg, sausage, and cheese on a muffin is served with coffee or another beverage. […]

Andover Service Club Presents Fred Marple on April 20

Proceeds benefit scholarship fund

By Joyce Egge, Andover Service Club
Andover Service Club Presents Fred Marple on April 20

Our March meeting was fairly short and to the point, as we were all eager to depart on our field trip to King Arthur Flour in Norwich, Vermont. But some business was conducted. We have placed our scholarship applications on The Andover Beacon Web site, at the Thrift Shop, and at the schools. Completed forms […]

Lions Hold Eye Screenings for Kids in Andover, Wilmot

Also: a refrigerator for the Food Pantry

By Joyce Egge, Andover Lions Club
Lions Hold Eye Screenings for Kids in Andover, Wilmot

The Andover Lions Club met at Naughty Nellie’s on Monday, March 11 wearing as much green as they could in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. Lion Dan Coolidge outshined all the others with his green attire, tongue, eyebrows, and blinking shamrocks. Our speaker for the meeting was Scott Wilson of Hudson Lions Club, who is […]