ANDOVER — Traditional Ukrainian Easter eggs are blown, decorated using a wax and dye process, and then can be kept as decorations from year to year. The basic techniques for creating them will be taught in a three-week workshop at The Andover Community Hub, beginning Monday, March 17, from 6:30 to 8 PM. Andover resident […]
ANDOVER — The Andover Fish & Game Club recognized Steve Smith for his 50-year anniversary with the Club. Steve has demonstrated dedicated service and commitment throughout the decades and continues to be an active member. His contribution of time and presence over the years has served our community and enhanced the growth and knowledge […]
ANDOVER — Two opportunities to explore creativity with paint will be offered at The Andover Community Hub during March. On Friday, March 7, from 6 to 8 PM, “Paint & Sip” will offer a fun evening, while participants also learn a thing or two about painting, taught by Andover artist Molly Leith. Using a still […]
ANDOVER — Spring will be in the air shortly! Daffodils and tulips will be poking out around mailboxes and 911 reflective address signs. We are thankful that 341 address signs have been purchased and put up around Andover, 25 in surrounding communities. They are so helpful for our emergency responders to see on the side […]
ANDOVER — Love Trivia? Here’s your chance to show off your skills. The Andover Service Club (ASC) invites the public to what will surely be a fun-filled morning with New Hampshire writer, story teller, and humorist Rebecca Rule. Rebecca will test your knowledge of the Granite State while presenting interesting and entertaining facts about New […]
ANDOVER — Plans are well underway for several events for the upcoming season. Please mark your calendars. We hope you will join us at one or all of the following special events: Opening Weekend, Saturday and Sunday, May 24 and 25. Memorial Day weekend, the Potter Place Railroad and Emons Store Museums and Gift Shop […]
ANDOVER — The Andover Fish & Game Club (AF&GC) is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the AF&GC Memorial Scholarship. The AF&GC Memorial Scholarship program was established in 2022 to provide financial support to students majoring in wildlife conservation, conservation law, fisheries, marine biology, environmental science, or a closely related field […]
ANDOVER — This winter has been “the real thing” for sure, with very cold days and snow events lining up every three to four days. Is this global warming? It sure doesn’t feel like it! Still, we are thanking God the fires are out in California (but now there are threats of mudslides). ACC is […]