Hiker Prepares for 2,200-Mile Hike on Appalachian Trail

Lots of logistics to consider ahead of time

By Kathy Vashro
Hiker Prepares for 2,200-Mile Hike on Appalachian Trail

ANDOVER — How much does the knife weigh? How much do those winter pants weigh? How much does the protein bar weigh? How much does the book weigh? How much does the plastic bag weigh?  Can I carry 25 pounds on my back? What exercise can I do at the gym that simulates hiking up […]

Annual Ice Fishing Derby Attracts Record 224 Attendees

Great weather for Highland Lake event

Press release
Annual Ice Fishing Derby Attracts Record 224 Attendees

ANDOVER – The Andover Fish & Game Club held their annual Ice Fishing Derby on Highland Lake on Sunday, January 26, on a cold but sunny day. There was a record turnout of 185 adults and 39 kids! The fishing was very successful, with many people catching something. The first place winner for the Adult […]

Of a Feather — Life at the Feeders

Feeding different species of birds

By William P. Chaisson
Of a Feather — Life at the Feeders

About two weeks ago I put up our bird feeders during a cold snap and then it got warm again. But nights have often been cold, even when the sunny days saw temperatures in the 50s or 60s. The birds have been abundant on most mornings, so I did not have the heart to stop […]

Of a Feather — Winter Birds

Winter birds are mostly seed-eaters

By W. P. Chaisson
Of a Feather — Winter Birds

Autumn is not just a time when the summer birds depart; it is also when the winter birds arrive. In the first half of October I was still seeing straggling migrants or stubborn residents who had simply not yet flown south — or all the way south. Most warblers are gone now, but I still […]

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