Mario Ratzki Shares First Impressions Of The NH House

Surprisingly, there’s no “other side of the aisle”

By Larry Chase, Concord Monitor

From the January 8 Concord Monitor Since winning a seat in the New Hampshire House of Representatives in November, 60-year-old Democrat Mario Ratzki of Andover has been spending 20 to 30 hours a week learning some of the ropes of state government. The experience has been a new one for Ratzki, a former Boston-area business […]

Spaghetti Dinner to Benefit Salisbury Fire Victims

Press release

There will be a Benefit Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, January 5, from 5 PM to 7 PM at the Salisbury Town Hall in Salisbury.  The benefit is for Lisa Moody and her family, who live in Salisbury and recently lost their home to fire. The cost is $8 for adults who are 12 or older, […]

Savanna Donovan Attends Future Farmers Convention

Press release

Seven members of the Winnisquam FFA (formerly Future Farmers of America) chapter tested their knowledge of parliamentary law at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis during the week of October 22nd. The Parliamentary Procedure Team, which included Savanna Donovan of Andover, won a bronze emblem for New Hampshire. The Winnisquam agriculture students earned the privilege […]

Mary Demers on Halloween

By Kitty Kidder
Mary Demers on Halloween

Mary Demers got all dressed up for Halloween this year. Kitty Kidder caught her on camera at the Blackwater Junction Restaurant in Cilleyville.

Tony Caruso Receives Wilmot’s Boston Post Cane

By Lindy Heim, Wilmot Historical Society
Tony Caruso Receives Wilmot’s Boston Post Cane

Francis Anthony Caruso, known to his friends simply as Tony, is the oldest resident of Wilmot at age 95. He was born on April 7, 1917 in Newton, Massachusetts and raised there as the third in a line of eight children. Tony was honored last month by the Wilmot Historical Society with a certificate attesting […]

Gisela Darling Wins Spirit Of New Hampshire Award

Gisela Darling Wins Spirit Of New Hampshire Award

  AE/MS volunteer Gisela Darling was honored last month with a Spirit of New Hampshire award for over 20 years of devotion and dedication. Below: Gisela’s fan club at the Capitol Center for the Arts: Margo Coolidge, Gillian Smith, Duncan Coolidge, Gail Parenteau, Jennifer Bent, Jane Slayton, Kat Darling, and Steve Darling. Photos: Gretchen Hildebrand

BU Graduates Two

Boston University awarded academic degrees to 1,501 students in September 2012. Among them were two Andover residents: Gwenn A. Fairall, Master of Public Health in International Health; and Andrew D. Will, Master of Fine Arts-Theatre in Design. Boston University is the fourth largest independent university in the United States, with an enrollment of more than […]

Where Are They Now: Aaron Currier

By Mary Ofenloch, ASC President
Where Are They Now: Aaron Currier

Very few students have won consecutive merit scholarship awards from the Andover Service Club (ASC). Aaron Currier is one of those students. In 1996, Aaron was awarded a $1,000 scholarship to attend Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York, and in 1997, Aaron received another $1,000 scholarship as a continuing education student at Clarkson. Aaron attended […]