AE/MS Plans Presentation on Internet Safety for Parents

Thursday, March 20, 6–7:30 PM

By Christine Frost

ANDOVER — It’s important for families, schools, and communities to work together to safeguard our kids against online risks in a digital world. Please join us to learn about the dangers teens face daily with technology, such as computers, smartphones, and social media. This presentation will benefit parents, educators, and community leaders by providing insights […]

Cross Country Running Becomes a Popular Activity at AE/MS

Participation includes 20 percent of middle school students

By Joe Booth and Candice Goodwin
Cross Country Running Becomes a Popular Activity at AE/MS

The AE/MS Cross Country team, coached by Anna Kate Hattan and Isabel Hattan, is made up of students from grades 5 through 8. Different from track, as it is done through the windy wooded areas of New Hampshire, it has become more popular for the Andover students this year, with almost 20 percent of all […]

Eighth Graders Raise Funds with Movie Night

Funds finance class trip to Maine next May

By Maycee Bartee
Eighth Graders Raise Funds with Movie Night

On October 4, the AE/MS eighth graders planned, organized, and held a school-wide movie night. Just outside of the school, students gathered around to watch “Hotel Transylvania” to fund-raise for the eighth-grade trip to Maine next May. There have been outdoor movie nights at the school before, but never one that was open to the […]

AE/MS Offers an Open Window into their School Day

School to share daily activities via Facebook

By Kasey Schoch

Things have been really buzzing this school year at AE/MS. A new principal, the first new second-grade teacher in decades, shifting of the fifth-grade class to the middle school teaching team, and more extracurricular opportunities are all cause for excitement. Some members of the school team couldn’t contain all the great things happening in the […]

AE/MS Soccer Success

By Jennifer Bent
AE/MS Soccer Success

The Eagles had to switch from a scheduled game to a scrimmage at the beginning of October. At first, a lot of the young athletes were disappointed, but Leighton Terwilliger — who was supposed to serve as the referee — made the decision to stay, play, and also officiate! Parents praised this seasoned soccer player […]

AE/MS Gets an Energizing Start to the New Academic Year

Meeting new principal, Kelly George

By Kasey Schoch
AE/MS Gets an Energizing Start to the New Academic Year

    As school went back into session, the students at AE/MS had their first assembly of the year. It was an opportunity to get to know their new principal, Kelly George, and start the year off with music and excitement.  After Mrs. George introduced herself, staff members led the students in the AE/MS song […]

Gretchen Hildebrand Thanks Everyone for 47 Enjoyable Years at AE/MS

Thanks wife/partner, Kathy Halliday Hildebrand, for support

By Gretchen Hildebrand

Thank you For 47 years I have loved being part of the AE/MS community. I want to extend my gratitude to everyone working in the school, who made the journey so enjoyable – especially those who no longer can hear my praise – Judy Rayno, George Corson, John Seymour, Roger Pellerin, Bill Jenkins, Helen Poblenz, […]

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