AE/MS Class of 2021 Enjoyed a Trip to Cadillac Mountain in Maine
The theme was “Favorite Animals”
AE/MS second graders recently finished a research project creating slideshows of animals they wanted to learn more about. It was a challenging endeavor, and we want to share how it went. We had fun hearing from the students the reasons they had for choosing their animals. The reasons were very interesting: “Because it is my […]
Great activity to build brains
Invention Convention is a very challenging and fun activity. The kids in this convention work very hard to create inventions. Invention Convention is something third graders work on towards the end of the school year. We have to problem solve and come up with inventions. This year, the third graders present their inventions to second […]
Fifth and sixth grade students participated
Alan Gratz, author of such notable books as Allies, Project-1065, and Refugee, has become a favorite author among middle school students all over the country. He is best known for his series of historical fiction novels, although he does have some other novels from outside this genre as well. This February, he released his new […]
AE/MS was ready to go, before Governor's mandate
First, I should apologize for the word “normal,” as I am sure it has made the list of the most overused words of 2020 and 2021. However, it is the word that came to mind when I first thought about going back to school five days a week. It is going to feel almost normal. […]
In-person classes held four days per week
After a slow and extremely challenging first two-thirds of this school year, AE/MS was in a position to welcome students to attend in-person classes four days a week starting on March 1. For the first time since March 2020, we now experience what feels much more like “normal” schooling at AE/MS. Although we know that […]