Holiday Shoppe Comes to AE/MS on December 18

Drop off donations before the 18th

Press release

The Holiday Shoppe at Andover Elementary/Middle School is a favorite tradition that students look forward to every December. It is a one-day event when students are able to buy gifts at very unbelievably affordable prices for their families, and the children get to make their selections all by themselves. The Holiday Shoppe is on Thursday, […]

AE/MS Receives $10,000 Donation from Proctor

Generous donation earmarked for technology

By Jane Slayton, AE/MS principal
AE/MS Receives $10,000 Donation from Proctor

“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” – David Warlick Andover Elementary/Middle School is again the recipient of a generous donation from Proctor Academy. Ten thousand […]

Proctor Donates $10,000 to AE/MS

In appreciation of the school's fine work

Press release
Proctor Donates $10,000 to AE/MS

The relationship between Proctor Academy and Andover Elementary/Middle School is one that consistently benefits both schools. Through both formal and informal interactions, students and teachers from both schools enhance the educational experience of the other. Whether those interactions come during AE/MS Math Night, where Proctor’s Math Department hosts a table of puzzles and problems, or […]

AE/MS Teachers Pursue Graduate Degrees at New England College

Education never stops at AE/MS

By Gretchen Hildebrand, AE/MS second grade teacher

Formal education does not stop at grade 8 at AE/MS! A dedicated, and at times crazed, group of teachers at AE/MS have enrolled in the masters/CAGS/doctoral programs through New England College (NEC) Graduate School. This plan was launched when we attended the NEC Summer Institute in June of 2014. So far, 11 AE/MS staff members have […]

Thanksgiving from a Kindergartener’s Point of View

AE/MS kindergarteners answer Thanksgiving questions

The kindergarten classes at AE/MS were asked eight questions about their upcoming Thanksgiving celebrations. Here are some of their answers. Wyatt Barton, age 5 Where will you get your turkey? From a store How will you cook it? In my oven What will you have on your turkey? Gravy How long will you cook it? […]

AE/MS Basketball Schedule

Go, Eagles!

Press release

12/10 Franklin Home 3:30 12/12 Sunapee Away 3:30 12/15 Newport Away 3:30 12/18 Kearsarge Home 3:30 1/6 Ashland Away 4:00 1/7 Sunapee Home 3:30 1/12 Newport Home 4:00 1/20 Indian River Away 4:00 1/21 Kearsarge Away 3:30 1/26 Ashland Home 4:00 1/28 Franklin Away 3:30 2/2 Indian River Home 4:00 2/4 MV Away 3:30 2/10 […]

AE/MS Family Letter, November 21, 2014

ANDOVER ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL                                                                                             November 21, 2014 Dear AEMS Family, It was wonderful seeing so many grandparents yesterday. Other than long lines and lack of parking the day was perfect. Dinner was delicious and the service was superb! I am proud of all the AEMS school community effort that went into the […]

AE/MS Soccer Ends a Winning Season

Shut out Kearsarge on Proctor's turf field

By Amy Makechnie, AE/MS coach
AE/MS Soccer Ends a Winning Season

On October 24, 2014, the Andover Eagle soccer team ended their winning season with a game against Kearsarge, on Proctor Academy’s turf field, for an under-the-lights night game. It was a frigid evening, with players huddling to stay warm on the sidelines, and fingers and ears turning red with cold. Once we took the field […]

Proctor Makes Big Upgrades to Nordic Trails

Homologated: Approved for a specific class of racing

Press release
Proctor Makes Big Upgrades to Nordic Trails

In late November, Proctor Academy will open its new Nordic Center featuring an expanded FIS homologated Nordic trail system with snowmaking capability. The Proctor Ski Area, the school’s privately owned and operated alpine and Nordic training facility, was recognized last winter by Ski Magazine’s prestigious Golden Eagle Award for Environmental Excellence. This most recent enhancement […]