Wide Variety of Workshops Engage Students on SHARE Day

From Art through Zumba, it's tough to choose

By Jane Slayton, AE/MS Principal
Wide Variety of Workshops Engage Students on SHARE Day

AE/MS students enjoyed another wonderful SHARE (See How Arts Enrich Education) Day on March 16. Several new workshops were added for choices among the traditional favorites. Students spent the morning participating in engaging workshops. After lunch, the students came together for a presentation by the TIGER group from Plymouth State University. SHARE Day would not be […]

Field Trips and Graduations Wrap Up the School Year at AE/MS

Governor Hassen invited to speak at kindergarten graduation

By Jane Slayton, AE/MS Principal
Field Trips and Graduations Wrap Up the School Year at AE/MS

The 2013-14 school year is winding down, and planning is underway for the 2014-15 school year. Field trips and graduations are scheduled for June. Our first-ever full-day kindergarten class will graduate on Wednesday, June 18. This will certainly be a big event! Governor Maggie Hassen has been invited to speak. We are hopeful that her […]

Green TIGERRRR Performance Sent Important Messages

PSU troupe caps AE/MS SHARE Day

By Jane Slayton, AE/MS Principal
Green TIGERRRR Performance Sent Important Messages

AE/MS students were treated to a fast-paced and fun professional performance on SHARE Day afternoon on May 16. The TIGER ensemble from Plymouth State University performed Green TIGERRRR and shared key concepts that students could use to take action to improve the environment. Our goal is to promote environmental responsibility in our school community. AE/MS […]

MVHS Graduates 16 Andover Seniors on June 21

Grads' plans include college, work, military, and travel

MVHS Graduates 16 Andover Seniors on June 21

Sixteen Andover students graduate from Merrimack Valley High School on Saturday, June 21, at 10 AM. Here are their plans for the 22nd and beyond. Haley Adams: NHTI, Concord Katelyn Ashburn – St. Michael’s College, Vermont John Bates – US Army Samuel Bentley – Working Jacob Champlain – NHTI, Concord Devynne Dlubac – Working Logan […]

AE/MS Family Letter, May 15, 2014

ANDOVER ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL www.aemseagles.org May 15, 2014 Dear AEMS Family, Tonight is the Middle School Spring Concert featuring the bands and chorus. The concert begins at 6:30 and we have an extraordinary evening of talent! Our Power House B Band (B stands for Beginner and BIG) will play several selections. Our chorus will sing […]

Proctor Ski Area Wins National Golden Eagle Award

Honors commitment to environmental sustainability

By Scott Allenby, Proctor Sports

The Proctor Ski Area, formerly known as the Blackwater Ski Area, has long played an integral role in the community of Andover’s love of skiing. Olympians have trained at the small hill, including Sochi’s Nick Fairall, Proctor class of ’07. Thousands of young skiers have first learned to ski on ski area’s three alpine trails, […]

AE/MS Family Letter, May 8, 2014

ANDOVER ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL www.aemseagles.org                                                                                                                                     May 8, 2014 Dear AEMS Family, Thanks for participating in Bike to School Day! What an energizing and fun way to start the day! Thank you for all of your help and participation in making the day a success! We’ll have photos from the day on the lobby flatscreen […]

Colby-Sawyer Offers Bachelor Degrees Online

Three majors offered in the fall

Press release

Starting this fall, Colby-Sawyer College will offer online bachelor’s degrees in Accounting, Business Administration, and Healthcare Management. These programs will be 100% online and feature the same small classes and lively faculty-to-student and student-to student interaction that on-campus students enjoy. Each class is limited to 20 students to maintain the college’s close-knit, one-on-one student learning […]

On the Importance of Learning a Foreign Language

A persuasive essay from an AE/MS student

By Lexi Emeny, AE/MS seventh grade

AE/MS seventh grader Lexi Emeny wrote this paper as a “persuasive essay” assignment. Because foreign language study has been a topic of discussion at School Board meetings and at the annual School District Meeting, we present Lexi’s paper to the community here. The Knowledge of a Foreign Language: Endless Possibilities American journalist Flora Lewis once […]