Spring Book Fair Comes to AE/MS April 7 through 11

Family Night on April 10

By Kristine Lane, AE/MS Library Assistant
Spring Book Fair Comes to AE/MS April 7 through 11

Come celebrate reading! The Andover Elementary/Middle School Spring Book Fair will be held on Monday, April 7 through Friday, April 11. The book fair is a wonderful way to help children get excited about reading by giving them the opportunity to choose reading materials they are interested in that they can use to create or […]

AE/MS Family Letter, March 13, 2014

ANDOVER ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL www.aemseagles.org                                                                                                                         March 13, 2014 Dear AEMS Family, Congratulations Lexi Emeny and Jack Newton! Lexi is our 2013-14 AEMS Spelling Champion and Jack is our runner-up. Many grueling rounds of spelling was  endured before we had a winner. All students in grades 4-8 who participated should be proud of their effort. […]

AE/MS Family Letter, March 6, 2014

ANDOVER ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL www.aemseagles.org   March 6, 2014 Dear AEMS Family, We’re back….! I hope everyone had a great vacation! Students in grades 4 – 8 will learn bread baking skills in an assembly this afternoon. A representative from King Arthur Flour will also supply the students with the flour and tools needed to […]

Second Graders Present Healthy Heart Restaurant

... plus more news from AE/MS

By Jane Slayton, AE/MS principal
Second Graders Present Healthy Heart Restaurant

The second grade classes opened their always-popular Healthy Heart Restaurant before vacation. Third graders and staff members were very happy customers. All diners reported their hearts felt healthy and happy after eating the nutritious breakfast. Second graders learned organization skills, math skills, and how to serve the public. There was an extraordinary display of healthy […]

Proctor Awaits Plans for New Dining Hall

Classic New England look, with views

By Chuck Will, Proctor Academy

Proctor is in the early stages of planning a new dining facility. The current dining hall, which occupies the south end of Farrell Field House, was originally assumed to be a temporary site following the loss of the Cary House dining facility to fire in April, 1977. Over the years, however, the current Cannon Dining […]

New Proctor Dorm Opens on North Street

Finish work went right to the end

By Chuck Will, Proctor Academy
New Proctor Dorm Opens on North Street

Sixteen girls and two Proctor faculty families moved into a new Proctor Academy dormitory on December 2. Whimsically named “Sally B” in honor of a retiring trustee and benefactor, the new residence is located at 56 North Street. This location provided convenient access to services including electricity, town water, and steam from the biomass plant […]

Senior Project at MVHS Focuses on Food Drive

Brooke Ellis involves AE/MS students in food drive

By Brooke Ellis, MVHS '14

Every senior at Merrimack Valley High School is required to do what is referred to as The Senior Project. Going into it, all I knew was that I wanted to use this opportunity to help those in need in my community. After researching hunger in the United States, I found that although there are many […]