By Gretchen Hildebrand, AE/MS second grade teacher
The AE/MS second grade went on its annual bug hunt at Proctor Meadow and on the rail trail. The sharp-eyed seven- and eight-year olds managed to find many interesting insects. At one point, they came around a corner and walked into a “festival” of yellow butterflies. Chloe Colby captured one for closer study. Delaney Young, […]
The Andover Elementary/Middle School will be having its Fall Book Fair on Monday, October 21 through Friday, October 25 this year. Book fairs are a wonderful way to help children get excited about reading by giving them the opportunity to choose reading materials they are interested in to add to their own home library. The […]
Cross country running has made its way to the Andover Middle School for students in grades six through eight. The season runs through the months of September and October. Runners compete at meets against other schools over two miles of trail running. The athletes set individual goals for success to help improve their running and […]
On a beautiful September day at the Farrell Field, the Proctor soccer teams hosted their annual soccer clinic for the Andover Middle School soccer team. The clinic consisted of working drill stations then splitting into an intra-squad scrimmage. One of the highlights of the afternoon is when Proctor student-athletes share their experiences and love for […]
The Andover Eagles middle school soccer team has begun its season with a lot of fun and excitement. “We have a very strong team culture, with beginners and seasoned players showing up every single day because they love soccer,” states Coach Amy Makechnie. We are very lucky to have Coach Makechnie returning to lead the […]
September 19, 2013 Dear AEMS Family, SMILE! School Pictures were taken this week. If your child was absent on Wednesday retakes are scheduled for November 1st. If anyone needs their picture redone this also an opportunity for that to happen. I am very proud of our new cross country running team. They have been practicing […]
ANDOVER ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL September 12, 2013 Dear AEMS Family, Tonight is Open House for 5th – 8th grade families. The evening begins at 6:30 pm in the gym with introductions, followed by open classrooms, and then back to the gym to win fabulous prizes. There are new staff members to meet and information […]
A few improvements have been made to the AE/MS playground over the summer, and more will follow. Students will notice right away that the zip line has been fixed! It had been frozen in one place, but Jerry Riel, AE/MS custodian, took apart the element and replaced the stuck wheels with skateboard wheels. Now it […]
Many AE/MS staff members attended workshops and courses this summer to help them with the transition to the Common Core State Standards. We are pleased with the increased academic expectations. Math classes will cover fewer topics, but the topics covered will be in much greater depth. There is an increased focus on arithmetic and number […]