Proctor Academy will install the largest rooftop solar panel array in northern New England in November, when the entire south roof of the Wilkins Meeting House will be covered with photovoltaic cells. The array will be comprised of 273 Suniva Solar modules, each capable of generating 260 watts. The modules will cover 5,000 square feet […]
Dear Andover Veteran, You are cordially invited to Andover Elementary/Middle School on Wednesday, November 7, at 9 AM for our traditional Veterans Day program. Our school community will come together to honor our nation’s military veterans, past and present, and it will mean a lot to us if you can attend. All members of the […]
By Jacqui Morris and Cope Makechnie, AE/MS Eighth Grade Students
The Andover Middle School Athletic program hosted its annual Soccer Jamboree on Saturday, October 6, on the new turf field at Proctor Academy. The weather was great, and the fields were perfect for a day full of soccer. Ashland, Franklin, Sant Bani, Campton, and Andover participated in a day of soccer that started at 10:30 […]
Volunteer firefighter John Bridgmon shows the AE/MS students a vital piece of fire and rescue equipment during the annual Fire Prevention Day. Photo: Gretchen Hildebrand
In 2002, Bonnie Plants started the Third Grade Cabbage Program with a mission to inspire a love of vegetable gardening in young people. Each year, the company distributes more than one million free cabbage plants to third grade classrooms across the country. As part of the program, Bonnie Plants awards a $1,000 scholarship to one […]
Boston University awarded academic degrees to 1,501 students in September 2012. Among them were two Andover residents: Gwenn A. Fairall, Master of Public Health in International Health; and Andrew D. Will, Master of Fine Arts-Theatre in Design. Boston University is the fourth largest independent university in the United States, with an enrollment of more than […]
After a busy October, students and staff have settled back into a productive academic routine. October was interrupted by NECAP state-mandated testing for grades three through eight. Students in grades three, four, six, and seven had six tests administered, while grades five and eight had eight tests to complete. Fire Prevention Day was enjoyed by […]
Fifty minutes of song, dance, and movement promoting self-respect and motivating children to be the best they can be was enjoyed by the entire AE/MS student body. Slim Goodbody taught fundamentals of “Bodyology.” Students were educated about how their amazing bodies work, from the millions of tiny cells that make up their bodies all the […]
Andover Elementary/Middle School held its third annual school-based flu clinic for students on October 12. Over the last three years, participation has increased from year to year. In 2010 only 26 students participated. In 2011 the number rose to 76, and this year we had 86 participants, which is 35% of our student population. Participants […]
The annual AE/MS Holiday Shoppe will be held on Friday, December 14, this year. This is a much-anticipated shopping day for all students. The Holiday Shoppe provides students the opportunity to surprise their immediate family members with gifts they pick out all by themselves. Thanks to the generosity of the community, we are able to […]