NH Lakes: keep 'em clean and healthy
By Lee Wells
This is a great time of year. The ice is out, the loons have returned, and the lakes are especially attractive and calm now. All of us can agree that Andover is a beautiful town and that we are lucky to live here. We have impressive hills and trails, and we have many beautiful lakes, […]
Get ready for primary on September 13
By Supervisors of the Checklist
Attention, all Andover voters: It’s time to check your party affiliation. The last day to change your party affiliation before the September 13 party primary elections is Tuesday, May 31. Prior to May 31, changes can be made at any time at the Town Clerk’s office during her regular office hours. The Supervisors of the […]
New Deputy Clerk has been hired
By Lisa Meier
I would like to thank everyone who voted for me to be your Town Clerk / Tax Collector at this year’s election. I appreciate your confidence in me. I have thoroughly enjoyed the position since I started. I would also like to congratulate everyone on winning their respective positions. Only a few changes in the […]
By Andover Fourth of July Committee

The Fourth of July Committee is working to put on the best event ever. One of the highlights of our celebration is the parade, started by the Blackwater Grange in 1942, 80 years ago. Speaking of 80 years ago, that’s our theme for 2022 …” Around Our Town in 80 Years.” Andover’s parade consists of […]
By Patricia Moyer
The Andover Police Department handled 200 calls for service during January 2022, including: Assist Citizen: 10 Civil Issue/Stand-by: 3 Death/Suicide: 1 Dog Loose: 2 Manner of Operation: 2 OHRV Complaint: 1 Road Hazard/Obstruction: 2 Road Rage: 1 Sexual Assault: 2 Suspicious Circumstances: 4 Theft: 2 Traffic Accident: 4 Traffic Citation: 7 Traffic Warning: 42 Warrant, […]
Cost of fireworks has skyrocketed since 1964
Press release
As we thought about the theme for Andover’s 80th Fourth of July celebration, Around The Town In 80 Years, we thought it would be fun to talk with someone who was there in the early years. So, this month we met at the home of Dennis Fenton to hear memories he has about the celebration […]
It's a busy place; time management is crucial
By Marjorie Roy
There are only four offices in the Town Building, but an incredible number of responsibilities are conducted there. Of course, we all know that the Town Clerk-Tax Collector and the deputy register cars, handle elections, provide vital records, license dogs, and sell Town stickers, but did you know their office is the depository for all […]
Spring is good time to check sump pump
By Rene Lefebvre
March is a transition month most years. The very worst winter has to offer often happens in early March with heavy wet snowstorms and, for the most part, the end of March starts to usher in the warmth of spring and mud season. March also changes the way we operate our heating appliances. Modern oil […]
Full wording will be available soon
By Ken Wells
The Andover Planning Board has continued its work on drafting a new Conservation Subdivision ordinance. A Conservation Subdivision is an alternative form of residential development where, instead of subdividing a parent tract into lots of conventional size (i.e. two acres), a similar number of dwelling units are arranged on lots or homestead sites of reduced […]
By Patricia Moyer
The Andover Police Department handled 133 calls for service during November 2021, including: Abandoned Vehicle: 3 Animal Wild: 1 Assist Citizen: 4 Assist Social Service Agencies: 3 Disorderly Conduct: 2 Dog Loose: 2 Domestic Dispute: 1 Driving While Intoxicated: 1 Drunk: 1 Stalking: 1 Suspicious Circumstances: 3 Theft: 1 Traffic Offense, Citation: 3 Traffic Offense, […]