Ice Rink Water Supply Should Work Better Now
Five feet down should keep it from freezing
Five feet down should keep it from freezing
Please join the Andover Conservation Commission on Monday, August 19, at 10:30 AM at the Blackwater Junction Restaurant on Route 11 in Cilleyville to learn more about the various types of wildlife supported by and attracted to boggy and swampy areas of our town. Emma Carfagno, Wildlife Program Assistant from the UNH Cooperative Extension, will […]
The first in a series for Andover taxpayers
This is the first article in a planned series about Special Education. This article tackles one relatively narrow question: in general, what is Special Education? In future articles we plan to look at other important, specific questions like: How and why do we budget for and pay for Special Education in Andover? How do we […]
Conservation Commission presents three local events
The Andover Conservation Commission’s (ACC) summer-long “Taking Action for Wildlife” project continues in August with a talk and walk focusing on Bog Bond, an illustrated talk by Rick “MooseMan” Libbey, and a continuing wildlife photography exhibit in the Andover Public Library. Here’s the line-up: Bog Pond Talk/Walk On Monday, August 19, beginning at 10:30 AM, […]
Switch in Saturday hours for Labor Day holiday
Our office will be closed on Saturday, August 31, for the Labor Day weekend. We will be open on Saturday, August 24, from 9 to 11 AM instead. Tax Collecting Please remember that you can pay in advance on your taxes. Many residents have been taking advantage of this service. This helps even out your […]
Prepare now for a big summer storm
The Fourth of July celebration was especially exciting and memorable for me this year. As a recipient of the Lions Club’s Granite State Fellow Award, I was invited to ride in the Concord Coach during the parade. It was an honor for me and a fun ride. The award was given for 30 years as […]
Changes necessary to reduce Town's liability.
Change is in the works to bring Andover’s Building Permit process up to date and to revise Andover’s Zoning Ordinance. The revisions will streamline the Town’s building permit process and better align the process with current state law. Andover has required building permits since Town Meeting adopted the Andover Building Ordinance in 1961. When zoning […]
Parade, flea market, book sale, car show, softball championships, and much, much more!
It is the final countdown to the Andover Fourth of July celebration. A complete schedule appears in this issue of the Beacon. Programs with maps are also available at the East Andover Post Office and the Town Hall. The Fourth of July committee has been working very hard to bring you a “Fairy Tale” experience. […]
Closed on July 4
The Town Clerk’s office is going to be closed on Thursday, July 4. We will be open regular hours during the holiday week. New Hampshire State Park Plate Now that summer is upon us, we can begin visiting the state parks to go climbing, swimming, or just relaxing and having a picnic. With the State […]
Three July events planned
The Andover Conservation Commission’s “Taking Action for Wildlife” project continues in July with two public events and a wildlife photo exhibit in the Andover Public Library. Here’s the lineup: Bluewater Farm Walkabout On Thursday, July 11, from 9 AM to 11 AM, Dave Anderson, education director at the Society for the Protection of N.H. Forests […]