Fourth of July Committee Starts New Celebration Plans

By Judy Perreault, Fourth of July Committee

The Andover Fourth of July and Events Committee is making plans for the 71st annual Fourth of July celebration. The Quahog Fife and Drum band will be returning this year. We missed their appearance last year. Their period costumes and music add a very patriotic feeling to our parade. We are pleased that the New […]

A Revolutionary School Improvement Program

By By Christine Barry, Asst. Superintendent, Merrimack Valley and Andover School Districts

Over the past few years, we have seen many new programs introduced in our public schools across the country. Many of these programs, including No Child Left Behind (NCLB), required more accountability for student learning, yet the definition of what students were expected to learn was never well defined. In fact, there continues to be […]

Four New AE/MS Positions To Be Proposed

Curriculum requirements and school population are growing

By Jane Slayton, AE/MS Principal

There are three additions to the 2013-14 proposed school budget and one warrant article that need further explanation. I will explain the thinking behind these additions and why those of us involved thought it was important to bring to the voters. As a school, we are charged with providing the best education for every student […]

Ice Rink, Ski Program Both Very Popular This Year

By Kurt Weber, Andover Recreation Committee
Ice Rink, Ski Program Both Very Popular This Year

After a very mild December, Mother Nature has finally cooperated, and the Andover outdoor ice rink is once again up and running, and lately has been a hub of activity. The rink is located on the basketball court next to the skate park at AE/MS, and the overhead lights shine bright until 10 PM each […]

Get Ready To Vote In 2013!

By Charlie Darling, Beacon staff

Town Meeting Day is coming up on Tuesday, March 12, and with it comes your chance to elect Town and School District officers. If you’re not registered to vote, it’s quick and easy. If you’ll be out of town or homebound on voting day, casting an absentee vote is also easy. There’s no excuse not […]

Understanding Andover’s Trustees Of Trust Funds

By Joanne Edgar, Trustee of Trust Funds

The job of the Trustees of Trust Funds is to maintain custody of the Town’s perpetual care funds, charitable trusts, private donations, and capital reserve/expendable trust funds. We facilitate the maintenance of these funds under the wishes of the donor or by law. Our first focus is to secure the funds from loss or theft; […]

Record Voter Turnout In Andover On Election Day

By Joanna Sumner, Andover Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Record Voter Turnout In Andover On Election Day

I want to take this opportunity to thank all the people who worked so hard at the election on November 6. It takes a lot of hands to make the process work smoothly. Our first shift of ballot clerks were Judy Perreault, Ellie George, Paul Currier, and Charles McCrave. In the second shift were Arch […]

Andover Fire Departments To Combine On January 1

By Rene Lefebvre, East Andover Fire Department Chief
Andover Fire Departments To Combine On January 1

This is the last article I will write as the East Andover Fire Chief. As of January 1, we will be one department in Andover, and my current position will retire. I must admit that after thirty years as chief in East Andover, I am a bit melancholy. Serving with the firemen for the people […]

Road Agent Begins Preparing For Winter

By Jon Champagne, Andover Road Agent

This month was a busy month for the highway department. We made it through Hurricane Sandy with only minimal damage, thank God. However, the next week and a half we stayed busy with road work and cleaning ditches in preparation for winter. The rain washed a lot of leaves and debris into the catch basins […]

Town Clerk Busy With Election And Tax Bills

By By Joanna Sumner, Andover Town Clerk/Tax Collector

So much is happening here in November: an election, tax bills, and the upcoming holidays. Please remember that the Town Clerk’s office is very involved working at the polls on Election Day, November 6, and cannot be in the office. Our office will be closed on Tuesday, November 6, for the election; Monday, November 12, […]