By Rene Lefebvre, East Andover Fire Department Chief

This is the last article I will write as the East Andover Fire Chief. As of January 1, we will be one department in Andover, and my current position will retire. I must admit that after thirty years as chief in East Andover, I am a bit melancholy. Serving with the firemen for the people […]
By Jon Champagne, Andover Road Agent
This month was a busy month for the highway department. We made it through Hurricane Sandy with only minimal damage, thank God. However, the next week and a half we stayed busy with road work and cleaning ditches in preparation for winter. The rain washed a lot of leaves and debris into the catch basins […]
By By Joanna Sumner, Andover Town Clerk/Tax Collector
So much is happening here in November: an election, tax bills, and the upcoming holidays. Please remember that the Town Clerk’s office is very involved working at the polls on Election Day, November 6, and cannot be in the office. Our office will be closed on Tuesday, November 6, for the election; Monday, November 12, […]
By By Jon Champagne, Andover Road Agent
The town of Andover has lost a friend and so have I. As many of you may know, Lee Murray passed away recently. [Lee’s obituary appears on page ??.] Lee moved to town in 2004, after retiring as the road agent of New Boston. During his time in that position, he learned a lot about […]
By Janet Moore and Robin Boynton, Holiday Swap Shop Co-Chairs
The annual Holiday Swap Shop/Gift Exchange will be held on Saturday, December 1, in the AE/MS gym from approximately 8:30 AM to 2 PM. Items for the Exchange may be dropped off at the school in the main lobby on Friday, November 30, or you may bring them in the morning of December 1. This […]
By Bill Bardsley, Andover Budget Committee
The state cut its contribution to the New Hampshire Retirement System, leaving $62,000 to be paid by the Andover School District for the 2011-2012 fiscal year that just ended June 30. This action was reported to the Andover Budget Committee at an October joint meeting with the Andover School Board and SAU administrators. The $62,000 […]
By Jim Danforth, Board of Selectmen
Solid waste disposal costs have been relatively constant for the past five years, while recycling revenue has been fluctuating and is currently underperforming, though still reducing waste disposal costs to our town. Currently, Andover is paying about $65 a ton or about $64,000 a year in tipping fees (984 tons per year). The Selectmen have […]
By Jim Danforth, Board of Selectmen
Starting in 2013, residents will be able to contact all elected and appointed town officials by phone and e-mail. The Board of Selectmen has authorized a new Web-based phone system for the Town offices that will reduce cost and provide all departments, officials, and committees with individual extensions. As the new phone system requires all […]
By Jim Danforth, Board of Selectmen
On October 15, the Board of Selectmen held the first of many budget meetings and, together with the efforts of the Budget Committee, will produce a proposed 2013 Town Budget that will be voted on at Town Meeting in March. (This article does not deal with the Andover School, Fire Department, or Village District budgets.) […]
By Rene Lefebvre, EAFD Chief
There is a bit of electricity in the air as we work to combine operations. Bylaw changes that had been a future project are now upon us and have taken on the urgency they deserve. The overpowering theme among the team is to get it right the first time. Last month as we settled in […]