Everyone involved deserves recognition and thanks
By Jon Warzocha and Lee Wells
Thank you, thank you, thank you! An election couldn’t happen without the help of so many people, all of whom deserve our recognition and thanks. Being able to use AE/MS for our polling place upends their regular routine. Parents need to find care for their children for the day. Teachers need to create special remote […]
By Cheryl Swenson
Long standing members, Beth Frost and Jim Reed are retiring from their positions on the Cemetery Trustees Board. I appreciate their dedication and their work serving on this committee. Their input has been invaluable. The Trustees are seeking TWO new members to assist with overseeing the maintenance of our many cemeteries within Andover. The Cemetery […]
By Pat Moyer, as approved by Chief Mahoney
Andover Police Department handled 182 Calls for Service during November 2023, Including: Ambulance: 2 Assist Ambulance/Rescue: 2 Assist Citizens: 3 Assist Motorist: 5 Assist Police: 4 Assist Social Services: 1 Civil Issue/Standby: 1 Dog Loose: 3 Fraud: 1 Manner of Operation: 2 Protective Order (Violation): 1 Road Rage: 1 Suspicious Person/Vehicle/Incident: 1 Traffic Offense-Citation: 4 […]
By Pat Moyer, as approved by Chief Mahoney
Andover Police Department handled 203 Calls for Service during December 2023, Including: Ambulance: 3 Animal Livestock Complaint: 1 Animal Wild: 1 Assist Ambulance/Rescue: 4 Assist Citizen: 18 Assist Police: 3 Civil Stand-by: 3 Dog Loose: 2 Road Hazard/Obstruction: 9 Suspicious Person/Vehicle/Incident: 4 Traffic Offense-Citation: 8 Traffic Offense-Warning: 34 Welfare Check: 3 Arrests or Must-Appear Summons […]
Kimberley Edelmann played crucial role in many areas
By Dana Swenson
On October 26, 2023, the Select Board reluctantly accepted the resignation letter of Kimberley Edelmann as the Town Administrator. During her tenure, Kimberley played a crucial role in regenerating the Town’s policies, managing its day-to-day operations, and representing the community in various capacities. Kimberley resigned for personal reasons and Andover now faces the task of […]
Topping-off ceremony held November 20
By Dana Swenson

In a significant step toward the completion of the Highway Department garage, a topping-off ceremony was held on November 20. The event marked the placement of the final structural element, symbolizing the project’s progress and a significant achievement for the community. Select Board members, construction workers, and community members gathered to witness the culmination of […]
Tuesday, January 23; AE/MS, 8 AM - 7 PM
By Lee Wells
The 2024 Primary is coming! New Hampshire’s Secretary of State must know that the deadline for submitting articles to the Beacon is the 15th, so he announced today, November 15, as I write this article, that the New Hampshire Presidential Primary will be on January 23, 2024. Not only is it our civic duty to […]
Ready for superstructure to be set
By Les Fenton

The construction progress for the new municipal facility has advanced to the point of being ready for the superstructure to be set. Delivery of the shell and structural steel will be Thursday, November 16, 2023, and the base, binder course of pavement is to be set on Friday, November 17, 2023, (weather permitting). The concrete […]
Scan the QR code to visit the Town site
By Ken Wells

Andover’s Master Plan subcommittee of the Planning Board met on October 14, to finalize the public opinion survey going out to Andover residents in November. You can participate in this survey by scanning the QR code shown in this article, or on the postcard delivered to every Andover mailbox, or by picking up a hard […]
Press release
Notice to Andover residents: The Andover Select Board is forming a new Recycling Committee. We need volunteers to join in this effort. If you are interested, please contact Roland Carter through the Town Office. Thank you for your interest and participation.