Townwide Opinion Survey Coming in November
By Jacob Gilman
A survey is coming! This survey is truly a once in a decade opportunity for you to shape our town’s future through updating the Master Plan. Our “Andover Master Plan” is a powerful vision statement of how we, as townspeople, wish our town to be in the future. It will be used to steer our […]
By Pat Moyer
The Andover Police Department handled 281 Calls for Service during July 2023 including: Animal Stray: 1 Beach Patrol: 42 Civil Issue/Stand-by: 1 Dog Loose: 1 Good Morning Andover: 29 Illegal Dumping: 1 Manner of Operation: 4 Parking Violation: 43 Road Rage: 1 Stalking: 1 Suspicious Person/Vehicle/Incident: 5 Theft: 4 Traffic Accident: 4 Traffic Offense/Citation: 7 […]
Chief Lefebvre honored with granite bench for East Station
By Meghan Barton

We can’t even begin to tell you how thankful we are! Saturday, July 26, may very well be one of the best barbecues ever. If our estimations are correct, we had over 400 people for the 40th Annual Andover Fire Department Chicken BBQ dinner. Days of preparation that week were needed for the dinner. Our […]
Future plans need to address housing
By Ken wells
The 2013 Master Plan called for the creation of a “commercial and light industrial “ (C&I) zone in Andover. Why would anybody want this? There are several reasons the creation of a C&I business zone made sense to the 2013 Master Planning committee. First, it makes some sense to cluster newly constructed businesses together, rather […]
Email notifications are available with sign-up
By Kimverley Brown Edellmann
During quieter moments, we continue to put more work into the Town website with the goal of making it a great resource for everyone. When we add content, we can have the website send email notifications to those who want them. Residents can choose to be notified about different types of website content, such as […]
2024 budget planning on the radar
By Kimberley Brown Edelmann
At Town Meeting in March, citizens vote on an operating budget and several capital budgets. These are very different types of budgets. The operating budget can be likened to your household budget. It covers the day-to-day expenses anticipated in running the Town for one year. Almost half of it covers wages and related payroll costs […]
Andover Police Department The Andover Police Department handled 295 Calls for Service during June 2023 including: Animal Cruelty: 1 Animal Livestock Complaint: 2 Animal Nuisance: 1 Assist Citizen: 6 Assist Police: 10 Beach Patrol: 39 Civil Issue/Stand-by: 1 Dog Loose: 2 Good Morning Andover: 38 Parking Violation: 11 Road Rage: 1 Stalking: 1 Theft: 4 […]
Andover’s previous Master Plan was approved in 2013, and it is supposed to be updated every 10 years. At the June 15 meeting, those citizens present worked on devising a survey to be circulated to Andover households, to gather citizens’ views on such crucial future issues as housing, business development, Andover’s tax base, and the future […]
The Andover Emergency Services Auxiliary will host our seventh annual Andover Townwide Yard Sale in just a few weeks, on Saturday, August 26. Holy Moly! This will make our seventh year of planning this! Time flies when you are having fun! Each year the funds raised from any of our fundraisers go back to our […]

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain” (Vivian Greene). Mother Nature may not have cooperated this year, but the rain did not dampen the enthusiasm and spirits of many of those who attended Andover’s Fourth of July festivities. A special thanks to the talented Billyjack […]