Build Your Halloween Scarecrow or Pumpkin Person Again This Fall

October 18 deadline to be featured in the November Beacon

Press Release
Build Your Halloween Scarecrow or Pumpkin Person Again This Fall

Yes, it’s time again, time to start building that Halloween scarecrow or pumpkin person!  Last autumn, businesses around town displayed their artistic and construction talents with a variety of seasonal displays. Check out last November’s Beacon for some inspiration and start collecting clothes, objects, and ideas for your very own Main Street business/institution Halloween creature. If […]

Scarecrows of October in Andover

By Janet Moore
Scarecrows of October in Andover

Thank you to the participants in the first “October Scarecrow” drive in Andover and East Andover. The stated purpose was to “build a scarecrow and watch community spirit grow!” Judging by the comments of the builders and admirers along Main St., the project was successful. Next year, it’s your turn!

Andover Fourth of July Celebration Schedule of Events

Saturday, June 30 6 AM: Mens Softball Tournament, Blackwater Park 6 PM: Movie Night-Peter Rabbit, Holland Auditorium at Proctor, concessions provided by Andover Emerg. Ser. Aux. Wednesday, July 4 PARADE THEME: “Old Glory” our American Flag” 8 AM–5 PM: Festival on the Village Green 8–9 AM: Firecracker 5K Race Registration at Blackwater Park 9 AM: […]

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