Andover Indoor Soccer Team Finsihes Season

The Andover Predators indoor soccer team wrapped up its season in the end of January. Games were played at Grantham Indoor, an indoor sports facility in Grantham. “To stay in soccer shape all year, many of my players (and many who are not my players!) join a random team (during the off season) but we’ve […]
Taking First Prize

KUUF’s Fourth of July Float

Andover Town Float
Rail Trail Booth Thanks Volunteers
Raffle tickets still on sale

Thank you rail trail volunteers Patrice and Steve Rasche, Prescott Towle, Pecco and Gail Beaufays, Terri Hook, Charlie Baer, and Ken Leonard who helped board members highlight the features of the 58 miles of trail Andover and nearby towns enjoy. Raffle tickets will be on sale again both from 9 am to noon on July […]
Concert at Proctor Chapel Enjoyed by Many
A beautiful concert was enjoyed by many at the Proctor Chapel on June 23. The musicians were Martha Woodward, KUUF music director; Robert St. Cyr, music director at Proctor Academy; and Donna Denniston. Caption: Lois Magenau Photo: Louis Botta
Closest to the Pin Fundraiser a Success
88 tickets sold
We had the best turnout yet for our Closest to the Pin fundraiser. Eighty-Eight tickets were sold. There were lots of people taking their first swings and a strong cadre of really good golfers. Prizes were free golf at CCNH (Kearsrarge) and Den Brae, and a carton of PRO V’s! The usual suspects were very […]
Grand Prize on 4th of July

The Spirit of Giving is Alive and Well