Mystery Solved! Town Report “Cover Girl” Identified

She's 19 years old now and about to get married.

Mystery Solved! Town Report “Cover Girl” Identified

Nobody seemed to know the name of the happy little girl on the cover of the Andover Town Report 2012. The photo was taken on March 2, 1996 at the Andover Fish and Game Club’s annual Kid’s Ice Fishing Derby. We figured that if she was two years old then, she’d be about 19 years old […]

A Farewell to Winter

A Farewell to Winter

Mary Gutgsell was coming down Old Winslow Road in Wilmot after the last storm when the view of the Wilmot Community Association’s (WCA) Red Barn and the Baptist church was so striking that she stopped the car (on the hill, no less!) and took a picture. She presented the photo to the WCA as a […]

Take Heart! The First Tulips Have Sprouted!

Take Heart! The First Tulips Have Sprouted!

On March 14 at 3:30 PM, the first tulip sprouts in the Town Hall flower bed were spotted poking through “last year’s withered brake and dead weeds,” right beside a small mound of snow. Photo: Charlie Darling

Winter Beauty In Andover

By Jay Fitzpatrick
Winter Beauty In Andover

Since the last snow storm, I had been thinking about photographing the reflections of snow-covered evergreens in a slow-moving river. On January 16 we got about six inches of new snow and when I woke up the following morning, I could see the sun was coming out. Morning sun, a new blanket of snow, all […]

“Look Up, Andover!” Winners

“Look Up, Andover!” Winners

Jerry Smith (above, right) was one of nearly a dozen entrants in last month’s Look Up, Andover! challenge. Jerry’s name was the one drawn out of a hat, so he’s pictured here receiving his $25 Pizza Chef gift certificate from Beacon volunteer Robert Ofenloch. Photo: Charlie Darling Of special note were the entries from Cam […]

History Mystery: Blackwater

Just for fun, Hal Crane of Roseville, California (whose exploits we all enjoyed in Walter Walker’s On the Road in 1949 columns) sent along this riddle he composed in the form of a poem. Can you figure out what book Hal is referring to, and how the river got its name? Send your answers to […]

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