Spring Weather Brings Vibrant Blooms in East Andover

Basic but delicious recipe for any occasion
Not everyone has the time or inclination to bake a fancy dessert, especially in the summer. This recipe starts with store-bought Cream Horns. You know the kind — those flaky pastries where the puff pastry is wrapped in a cone shape and filled with cream. Cut the Cream Horns into one-inch slices. Top each slice […]
Awarded by Andover Select Board on May 1
Florence Gove, who turned 100 years old in July, 2022, was presented with the Boston Post Cane, on May 1, by Andover Selectmen Roland Carter, Jim Delaney, and Dana Swenson. Also on hand to witness the ceremonial giving of the cane were Town Administrator Kimberley Edelmann, Florence’s daughter Beryl Sanborn, granddaughter Angela Monahan, and son-in-law […]
Delicious served over fresh asparagus
This recipe works very well and can be thinned if desired. I recommend using “pastured raised” eggs. This will give the sauce a nice, bright yellow color. Store-bought eggs–not so much! Here, I used the sauce over fresh asparagus, but it can be used over poached eggs, as in Eggs Benedict, over fish, or a […]
Friend's recipe is a long-time favorite
Ellen Morton Hamil was a good childhood friend of my sister, Mary. She brought this dish to a Concord High School sisters’ party that I held here on Ragged Mountain in September of 2010. 4 cups fresh corn (cook in boiling water for about 5 minutes, drain well) or use an equivalent amount of canned […]