Events and Meeting Bulletin Board
On Thursday July 14, the Andover Select Board heard views from residents on whether the Town should conclude its “Pre-Purchase Agreement” (PPA) with ReVision Energy by paying $17,724 from the unexpended fund balance to become outright owner of the equipment installed on the Town Office Building back in 2017. The PPA was negotiated with ReVision […]
Have you ever looked at your electric bill and been confused about what all those separate charges are for? It sure is complicated! So go get your recent electric bill, pour yourself a cuppa and let’s go through it… First of all, what are they selling us? Energy – the thing that makes changes happen […]
The NH Department of Transportation held its public hearing at AEMS on July 20. Project manager Jason Tremblay and Senior Project Engineer Ronald Kleim of NHDOT presented a preliminary design for project #40392 – replacement of the Rte 4 bridge between Fenvale and Plains roads. The current bridge is described as a “through-girder” bridge, which […]
Notice of Public Hearing Andover X-A004(084), 40392 Under NH RSA 230:14 and Public Law 100-17 (Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987), a public hearing has been set to discuss the proposal to replace two of the existing Red List bridges that carry US 4 over the Blackwater River. US 4 road improvements […]
Some sell handcrafted goods and flowers
Summer in New Hampshire brings an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, not to mention locally raised meats and poultry, home baked goods, honey, and maple syrup (from the earlier sugar run in late winter), all available at Farmers’ Markets and Farm Stands found in almost every town in the area. Below are a few […]
Anyone with concerns can contact NHEC
NHEC customers (and the Select Board) have recently been notified that herbicides will be applied to undesirable vegetation growing within power line rights of way corridors in Andover and other towns starting July 1. In the notification was a “Coupon for Personal Notification Request” form that residents can fill out and send to the Project […]
Thursday, May 11, 6 PM at Hub
On Thursday, May 11, at 6 PM, at the Andover Community Hub, Project Manager Timothy Dunn from New Hampshire Department of Transportation (DOT) will be presenting to the Select Board and the public about the Route 11 Bridge project. Mr. Dunn will answer questions from the board and the public. A full Public Hearing is […]
Exits, Transfer Station, Zoom, Records, Website
As I write this, we are experiencing a work period that is quieter than what we expected. Right now, we should be preparing several reports for the Department of Revenue Administration, all due within 20 days following the Town Meeting. However, that activity is on hold thanks to Winter Storm Sage. In accordance with RSAs […]