Fire Department’s Public Hearing on Combining Precincts

Meeting scheduled for February 15, at 7 PM

Press release

Your fire department is working to finish a large project and we need your support. Several years ago a selectmen’s study committee concluded that combining the two fire departments would be the best option for the town of Andover. Operating as separate departments was costly, inefficient and to a degree less safe for the firefighters. […]

Don’t Forget to Support the Beacon in 2017!

Please don't let us come up short in 2016!

By Donnette McGill, Beacon staff
Don’t Forget to Support the Beacon in 2017!

We’re wrapping up the Beacon’s 2016 fundraising year, but there’s still time to do your part! A donation to the Beacon is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, so if you haven’t donated yet this year, please do so by December 31. So far in 2016, total donations are down 15% compared to last year at this time. To […]

Bridge Projects, Truck Project Move Forward

“New” town truck re-fit in process

By David Blinn, Andover Select Board

Maple Street Bridge Work on the Maple Street bridge should begin during the week of December 12. We cannot say it will only take a day or so, like the Kearsarge Mountain Road bridge, but rest assured that it will be completed as quickly as possible. Road Agent John Thompson and team, including our Town […]

Amount to be Raised by Taxes Up 7.5% for 2016

Tax bill on average home up nearly 7%

By Charlie Darling, Beacon volunteer

The amounts to be raised by taxes for Andover for 2016 add up to $5,475,266. This is an increase over last year of $381,301 (7.5%). A small increase in the total town valuation for 2016 helped hold the increase in the tax rate to just under 7%. The 2016 tax bill for a property valued at […]

Remembering the Old Andover Town Hall

Built for under $2,000 in 1879

By Special for the Beacon
Remembering the Old Andover Town Hall

The November open houses at the old Andover town hall elicited many longtime residents’ memories of the days in which the 1879 Town Hall was a hub of community activity. A Facebook posting about the recent purchase drew more memories, including this one from Ellen Johnson Pine, who moved from Andover to Georgia 18 years ago. […]

How Can the Old Town Hall Be a Community Resource?

New owners need ideas, help

By Special for the Beacon
How Can the Old Town Hall Be a Community Resource?

At 3:53 PM on November 17, in a tiny conference room in Concord, the deal was closed. After handing over their certified check for $141,000 plus taxes, seven Andover residents, guided by two lawyers, signed papers that gave them ownership of Andover’s former town hall, located at 157 Main Street and once the town’s central gathering […]

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