To the inhabitants of the School District in the Town of Andover qualified to vote in District affairs: You are hereby notified to meet at the Andover Elementary/Middle School Gymnasium in said District on Monday, the 6th day of March 2023, at 7 PM to act upon the following subjects: Article 1: To see if […]
As was the case for the Primary and General Elections in the fall, COVID-19 protocols will not play a role in the Town Elections on Tuesday, March 14. We will have masks and hand-sanitizer available for anyone who wants them. Voting on Town Election Day at the polls involves three ballots: the Town Officers Ballot, […]
Once again October brought the Budget Committee (BC) together on Thursday nights to receive, question, review, and deliberate all department requests, and we quickly got down to business. The Andover Budget Committee was composed of six members. We had four elected members: Donna Crisp Duclos, Jessica Rand, Mark Cowdrey, and Aimee Raciti, and two […]
Do you enjoy looking at Andover’s landscape? Our town has open fields for grazing livestock, views, rolling hillsides, and forest trails. Many of these properties are protected and preserved in perpetuity because of land conservation efforts by landowners, the Town of Andover, the Andover Conservation Commission (ACC), and the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT). […]
As I write this, it’s the end of my sixth week as Andover’s new Town Administrator. I’m not a resident of Andover, so as one might imagine, I’ve had to quickly learn a lot about various aspects of the Town. It’s been like drinking from a fire hose! It’s clear the biggest challenge facing the […]
Note: Given to him in a dream, this piece was written by local artist, Tom Barber. His hope, in sharing this with you, the reader, is that you will be inspired to just stop and think. Sapphire blue with a core of purist white, a beam of light thousands of miles wide hit the earth […]
Present: Nancy Robart, Tina Cotton, Sooze Hodgson, Nancy Teach, Lee Wells, Jerry Hersey, Jenny Bodwell Also attending: Donna Duclos Kimberly Edelmann, Town Administrator, stopped by to introduce herself and offer help. Correspondence Copy of notice to Planning Board from DES – concerning a request to build a home at 450 Depot Street – which will […]
In Person Board Present: Aimee Menard, Dan Newton, Steve Chella, Kayla Chandler Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Dennis Dobe, Beth Page, Dennis Audet Public Present: Donna Crisp Duclos and Christine Frost Finance Report MacLean gave the finance report. The overages are due to special education needs. Other overages have been transferred and cleared. Board […]
Many of you may have heard rumors that the Beacon was going to stop being published after the February issue. That was a distinct possibility based on a report to the Beacon’s Board of Directors, created by Board member Charlie Darling (former editor and publisher) and Shelley Geoghegan (current editor and publisher), that showed the […]
This service is designed to check the safety and welfare of elderly or handicapped individuals within our community who live alone or have special needs. When a person decides to enroll in this program, the person will sign a contract agreeing to phone the Andover Police Department each day, Monday through Friday, between the hours […]