Andover EMS Needs a New Tool to Aid CPR

Andover EMS Needs a New Tool to Aid CPR

911 emergency medical calls are made for many reasons. Our volunteer emergency medical technicians (EMTs) never really know when or for what reason their pagers may be activated. Of all the reasons, few can match the urgency for a sudden cardiac arrest – when the heart unexpectedly stops pumping and thus blood circulation stops. A […]

Board of Selectmen Minutes, June 3, 2013

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Selectmen Mishcon, Danforth, Coolidge, Town Administrator Roy, and Road Agent John Champagne. Road Agent’s Report Jon has received five quotes for paving Applecrest Lane, Bradley Lake Road, Pancake Road, and Mill Road. It was decided that Jon and the Selectmen will discuss the quotes at their work session on Friday, May 24, and will […]

Planning Board Minutes, May 28, 2013

Condensed from draft minutes

Members present: Paul Currier, Chair; Jon Warzocha, Vice-Chair; Wood Sutton; Nancy Teach; and Duncan Coolidge, ex officio joined the meeting at 7:30. Also present for duration of appropriate item: Marj Roy, Town Administrator; Vicky Mishcon, Selectboard; James Danforth, Selectboard; Dan Coolidge; ZBA; Mary Anne Broshek, Conservation Committee; Kim Hallquist Joint Board Meeting Currier gave a […]

Planning Board Minutes, May 14, 2013

Condensed from approved minutes

Members present: Paul Currier, Chair; Wood Sutton; Don Gould; Nancy Teach; and Duncan Coolidge, ex officio Also present for duration of appropriate item: Roger Kidder, Building Inspector; Dave Powers, Deputy Building Inspector. Preliminary Non-Binding Consultation: American Tower Corporation and Department of Homeland Security request for Administrative Review The request is to add an additional antenna […]

Town Minutes for June 2013

Board of Selectmen June 3 June 17 Planning Board June 11 June 25 Zoning Board of Adjustment June 19 Recreation Committee June 11 Conservation Commission June 12 School Board June 4

Town Minutes for May 2013

Board of Selectmen May 6 May 20 Planning Board May 14 May 28 Zoning Board of Adjustment May 21 Recreation Committee May 14 Conservation Commission May 8 School Board May 7

Andover Transfer Station Preparing for New Recycling Push

SSR, or something like it, arrives soon.

By Charlie Darling, Beacon staff

With the Concord trash co-operative having bailed out of its years-long single-stream recycling (SSR) plans last year, the Andover Board of Selectmen and Transfer Station Supervisor Reggie Roy have been hard at work trying to find another solution that will be right for Andover. In the coming weeks, you should begin to see the fruits […]

Andover Fire Department Raffling a Kayak

Stop by the tent on the Village Green.

By Rene Lefebvre, Chief, Andover Fire Department

July is a very good month. The sun is warm, many are enjoying vacations, and the Andover Fire Department gets to enjoy our Fourth of July activities and our barbeque. The spirit of our nation’s birth is renewed, and Andover celebrates the holiday with grace and pride. My thinking, however, has been moving beyond just […]

Major Highway Work Under Way on Each Side of Andover Village

An old bridge gets new life; chance of flooding decreased.

NH DOT press release
Major Highway Work Under Way on Each Side of Andover Village

Work is progressing on schedule with the full-deck replacement of the New Hampshire Route 11 bridge over the Blackwater River in Cilleyville, near the intersection of New Hampshire Route 4A. New concrete headwalls are in place to support new steel beams for the eastbound half of the bridge. Concrete placement for the new deck is […]

Technology Advances at AE/MS Bring Visible Improvements in Learning

Proctor has been a strong partner in major upgrades.

By Rosa Nanasi Haas, Proctor Academy '13
Technology Advances at AE/MS Bring Visible Improvements in Learning

AE/MS and its technology integrator, Heidi Unger, have received generous help from Proctor Academy with AE/MS’ technology needs.  There have been volunteers that have worked at AE/MS to not only choose what kind of technology changes that the school needed to be updated, found weaknesses in the previous systems, but also helped set- up many […]