Planning Board, February 12, 2013

By Lisa Meier. Recording Secretary

February 12 Condensed from approved minutes Members present: Jon Warzocha, Chair; Paul Currier, Vice Chair; Nancy Teach; Pat Moyer; Don Gould; Wood Sutton; and Harvey Pine, alternate. Also present for duration of appropriate items: Roger Kidder, Andover Building Inspector. Announcements / Correspondence Warzocha indicated he had received a request for the Planning Board to provide […]

Town Minutes for February 2013

Here are the minutes for Town committee meetings that took place in February 2013. Board of Selectmen February 4 February 19 Planning Board February 12 February 26 Zoning Board of Adjustment February 19 Recreation Committee February 12 Conservation Commission February 13 School Board February 5

Conservation Commission Minutes, February 13, 2013

By Sandra Graves, Secretary, pro tem.

February 13 Condensed from approved minutes Present: Members: Mary Anne Broshek, Tina Cotton, Sandra Graves, Jerry Hersey, Nan Kaplan. Very active guest: Jason Dudek. Excused: Member Larry Chase. ASLPT Update: Nan reported that the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust is considering the possibility of easements on several pieces of property within their area. The Foundation of Land Trust […]

Town Passes Budgets; Taxes Could Rise 10%

Most appropriations up, estimated revenues down

By Ed Hiller, for the Beacon

The Andover town budgets for 2013 have been finalized by the several annual meetings. The School appropriation is up $264,927, or 6.1% over last year. The Town appropriation (net of pass-throughs) is up $101,089, or 6.6% over last year. The Fire Department appropriations show a slight decrease of $3,445. As a result, the total net […]

You Need a Fire Extinguisher on Every Floor

By Rene Lefebvre, Chief, AFD

As I sit to write this, the weather people are predicting a foot of snow. This late in the season, I like to watch the snow melt and go to sugar houses. Though I very much look forward to snow in the fall, by April I am ready to take the snowplow off the tractor […]

Fourth of July Committee Kicks Off Fundraising for 2013

Fireworks, bands depend on donations

By Judy Perreault, Fourth of July Committee

Spring is officially here, but there is snow on the ground. Those hot July days seem very far away, but not for the Fourth of July Committee. We have been meeting all year to work out all the details of being a Town committee. With most of that behind us, we are turning our attention […]

Dog Licenses Must Be Renewed by April 30

By Joanna Sumner, Town Clerk

Dog Licenses Your dog’s license will expire on Tuesday, April 30. If you have a new dog or have just moved to town, you will need to bring in your pet’s proof of rabies and neutering/spaying. If your dog is currently licensed with us, then you will want to check to be sure that his […]

Mystery Solved! Town Report “Cover Girl” Identified

She's 19 years old now and about to get married.

Mystery Solved! Town Report “Cover Girl” Identified

Nobody seemed to know the name of the happy little girl on the cover of the Andover Town Report 2012. The photo was taken on March 2, 1996 at the Andover Fish and Game Club’s annual Kid’s Ice Fishing Derby. We figured that if she was two years old then, she’d be about 19 years old […]

Fourth of July Committee Picks “Fairy Tales” as 2013 Parade Theme

By Judy Perreault, Fourth of July Committee

“Fairy Tales” is the Fourth of July theme for 2013. For various reasons, we couldn’t manage a town voting, so the committee picked the theme. It is one that, in the past, has received numerous votes. There are many ways to portray this theme. We hope to see many creative floats in the parade this […]

A Farewell to Winter

A Farewell to Winter

Mary Gutgsell was coming down Old Winslow Road in Wilmot after the last storm when the view of the Wilmot Community Association’s (WCA) Red Barn and the Baptist church was so striking that she stopped the car (on the hill, no less!) and took a picture. She presented the photo to the WCA as a […]