Planning Board Minutes, February 4, 2013

Members present: Jon Warzocha, Chair; Paul Currier, Vice Chair; Nancy Teach, Pat Moyer, Don Gould, and Wood Sutton Public Hearing: Repeal of the Andover Building Ordinance The public hearing was opened at 7 PM. Currier read the draft warrant article and the board discussed it. There being no public present providing input, the public hearing […]

Planning Board Minutes, January 22, 2013

Members present: Jon Warzocha, Chair; Paul Currier, Vice Chair; Nancy Teach, Pat Moyer, Don Gould, and Jim Danforth, Ex Officio. Also present for duration of appropriate items: Roger Kidder, Andover Building Inspector. Minutes of January 8, 2013 Currier – Motion to approve as amended Teach – Second Vote – Unanimous to approve as amended Continued […]

Planning Board Minutes, January 8, 2013

Condensed from approved minutes

Members present: Paul Currier, Vice Chair; Nancy Teach; Jim Danforth, Ex Officio; and Harvey Pine, Alternate. Minutes of November 27, 2012 meeting Pine – Motion to approve as amended Teach – Second Vote – Unanimous to approve as amended Continued Enforcement Discussion Several statutes were discussed pertaining to enforcement. Driveway permits and building permits were […]

Conservation Commission Minutes, December 12, 2012

Present: Members Mary Anne Broshek, Larry Chase, Tina Cotton, Sandra Graves, Jerry Hersey 1. Minutes of the November 14 Andover Conservation Commission (ACC) meeting were approved as written. 2. Correspondence: Received copy of Complete Forestry Notification sent from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Resources to the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department acknowledging receipt […]

Candidates – Library Trustee: Janet Moore

Candidates – Library Trustee: Janet Moore

I hope to continue as a Library Trustee for at least another three years. My work in a high school library has certainly prepared me, as have years of teaching English and reading voraciously, for promoting all that is wonderful about public libraries. The Andover community has increased its usage of both libraries in the […]

Andover Town Report 2012 Available Online

Andover Town Report 2012 Available Online

The Andover Town Report 2012 is now available online. Town Reports will not be mailed this year (except by special request to 735-5332), so read it online here or pick one up when the printed copies are available after Friday, February 22, at the Town Hall, the post offices, the libraries, AE/MS, or the Transfer Station.

Warrant Article Proposes Increased Elderly Tax Exemptions

By Jim Danforth, Board of Selectmen

New Hampshire statute RSA 72:39a sets forth a procedure for establishing qualifications, procedures, and amounts of property tax exemptions for residents 65 and older. At Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 12, attendees will be asked if they wish to adjust the income eligibility requirements. These exemptions were last adjusted at Town Meeting in 2006. Currently, […]

Proposed Budgets Up Over 4% for 2013

Loss of surpluses and other offsets mean tax rates could rise 9%

By Ed Hiller, for the Beacon

The Andover Budget Committee has finalized its recommended 2013 budgets. The committee members worked hard to balance requests for increased funding for the School and the Town with the desire to keep the growth in property taxes within manageable limits. The budgets they are recommending are the results of these difficult compromises. The recommended 2013 […]

A Revolutionary School Improvement Program

By By Christine Barry, Asst. Superintendent, Merrimack Valley and Andover School Districts

Over the past few years, we have seen many new programs introduced in our public schools across the country. Many of these programs, including No Child Left Behind (NCLB), required more accountability for student learning, yet the definition of what students were expected to learn was never well defined. In fact, there continues to be […]

On The Ballot – March 12, 2013

The Beacon asked every candidate running for a local office to submit 250 words and a picture. Board of Selectmen Duncan Coolidge Howard Wilson Library Trustee Janet Moore Order of Candidates on the Ballot New Hampshire RSA 656:5-a defines the order in which candidates’ names will appear on the ballots. For the sake of consistency […]