After Andover’s successful first-ever Energy Awareness Day, hosted by the Andover Energy Group on November 3, some members of the Andover community participated in a Transition Training hosted by students from Colby-Sawyer College. These students are involved in a year-long project focused on the Transition Movement. This movement seeks to improve the well-being and resilience […]
Third-year students who are Environmental Science Studies majors at Colby-Sawyer College are hosting a talk by two college graduates, Mike Mooney and John Pelech, who are owners of Poly-Recovery. This talk will be about their work with the 100-Mile Model developed by Poly-Recovery for local recycling from waste pick up to new product manufacturing. The […]
The tax rates for Andover for 2012 have been finalized and the tax bills will be in our mailboxes shortly. These bills show a slight decrease over last year. The components of the tax rate are shown in the tables that accompany this article. The tax bill for a typical property assessed at $200,000 will […]
By Joanna Sumner, Andover Town Clerk/Tax Collector
I want to take this opportunity to thank all the people who worked so hard at the election on November 6. It takes a lot of hands to make the process work smoothly. Our first shift of ballot clerks were Judy Perreault, Ellie George, Paul Currier, and Charles McCrave. In the second shift were Arch […]
By Rene Lefebvre, East Andover Fire Department Chief
This is the last article I will write as the East Andover Fire Chief. As of January 1, we will be one department in Andover, and my current position will retire. I must admit that after thirty years as chief in East Andover, I am a bit melancholy. Serving with the firemen for the people […]
This month was a busy month for the highway department. We made it through Hurricane Sandy with only minimal damage, thank God. However, the next week and a half we stayed busy with road work and cleaning ditches in preparation for winter. The rain washed a lot of leaves and debris into the catch basins […]
The Andover Town Clerk has posted the results of November 6th’s voting in Andover. On Election Day, 184 new voters registered at the polls, bringing the total number of registered voters in Andover to 1,689. Of those, 1,375 voted (either absentee or in person), for a turnout of over 81%.
Members present: Jon Warzocha, Chair; Paul Currier; Nancy Teach; Pat Moyer; Eric Johnson; Jim Danforth, ex-officio. Don Gould joined the meeting at 7:25 PM. Announcements / Correspondence NHDES pamphlet pertaining to Supply Lines with the Source E-mail from Elise Fortin regarding parking a camper on a lot. Other Business Johnson stated he would like to be […]
Jerry Smith (above, right) was one of nearly a dozen entrants in last month’s Look Up, Andover! challenge. Jerry’s name was the one drawn out of a hat, so he’s pictured here receiving his $25 Pizza Chef gift certificate from Beacon volunteer Robert Ofenloch. Photo: Charlie Darling Of special note were the entries from Cam […]
Duncan Coolidge, Garry George, Howard George, Jim Goody, and Tim Norris ponder their next move as they plant a new spruce tree in front of the Town Hall. The tree that the Andover Lions Club decorated with Christmas lights every year had gotten too tall for the purpose and was taken down earlier last month. […]