Condensed from approved minutes ROLL CALL AND CALL TO ORDER: The ASB meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Board Chair, Aimee Menard. In Person Board Present: Adam Jones, Dan Newton, Lisa Burbach, and Aimee Menard Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Dennis Dobe, Dennis Audet, Hilary Denoncourt, Beth Page Public Present: Caden […]
Condensed from approved minutes Present: Nancy Robart, Sooze Hodgson, Lee Wells, Tina Cotton, Jerry Hersey, Jesse Schust, Jenny Bodwell Also attending: Donna Duclos Motion made by Lee to have our alternates be full voting members for this meeting, seconded by Tina. All in favor. February Minutes: Minutes accepted as amended. Agenda Addition: Ty and Sam […]
Condensed from draft minutes Moderator Adrienne Summers called the meeting to order at 7 PM. Moderator Summers introduced School Board members: Adam Jones, Dan Newton, Lisa Burbach, and Brandon Adams; Budget Committee members: Donna Duclos, Mark Cowdrey, Greg Stetson, and Todd Goings (ex officio); SAU #46 Administration: Superintendent Mark MacLean, Assistant Superintendent Randy Wormald, Business […]
In 2001, the State of New Hampshire enacted property tax relief for eligible low- to moderate-income claimants who own a homestead in New Hampshire. The definition of a homestead is “the dwelling owned by a claimant which is owned and used as the claimant’s principal place of residence and the claimant’s domicile.” The DP-8 application […]
The first Swap Day of the season will be Saturday, May 14. The event is open 8 AM to noon at the Transfer Station. Events are scheduled for the second Saturday of the month, May through October. Please donate items that you assume someone would desire. Do not use the event as a junk-clearing opportunity. […]
After a successful winter season of basketball and skiing, Andover’s Recreation Committee is looking to next fall’s soccer season with excitement. Sign-ups for fall soccer will be distributed through the AE/MS parent newsletter and online in June. As always, the Rec Committee will be looking for volunteers to step into coaching roles for all ages. […]
Imagine you are a stranger arriving in Andover on the Fourth of July. As you approach the town, you pass one of the large signs announcing our celebration. You might think … hmm, what would a small New England town have to offer? You won’t be disappointed, because in this small town there is a […]
I stopped by a home recently to issue a burn permit so that the homeowner could legally burn some brush. As he was signing the permit, he noticed that the document was from the State of New Hampshire and not the Town of Andover. I explained that the authority to issue a permit to “kindle […]
This is a great time of year. The ice is out, the loons have returned, and the lakes are especially attractive and calm now. All of us can agree that Andover is a beautiful town and that we are lucky to live here. We have impressive hills and trails, and we have many beautiful lakes, […]