Select Board Minutes, February 16, 2016

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Duncan Coolidge; Jim Delaney; Vicky Mishcon

Also present: Bill Keyser, Carlos Ayala; Joshua Barton; Gina Reich, Georgie Barton; Jayson Thompson; Josh Barton; Ricky Barton; Herbie Barton

Public Meeting On Noise Ordinance

The Board opened the public meeting at 6:30. Copies of a potential version of a noise ordinance were explained by the Board for public input. The Board discussed that this is a draft for public input only.

Bill Keyser felt the draft was too restrictive and unnecessary for a small town like Andover.

Carolos Ayala was concerned about the 7:30 AM start for workmen in town. Ayalos felt a reasonable change would be 6 AM

Josh Barton was concerned that Andover even needs a noise ordinance. Barton wanted to know if the public notice for this hearing is all that was needed.

Gina Reich questioned if the noise problem was widespread and if Andover needed a noise ordinance. Reich feels most people in town will suffer if there is a noise ordinance. Reich offered 10 PM as an alternative.

Georgie Barton wanted to know if people who have donkeys would be effected with this noise ordinance

Bill Keyser wanted to know if someone with a rooster would be effected.

Jayson Thompson wanted to know who devised the draft.

Ricky Barton asked why the police can’t keep the peace. If the police can’t do anything then why do we even have a full time police force.

Selectman Coolidge explained that without an ordinance, the police cannot enforce it.

Herbie Barton wanted to know if roofers would be included because if so, he suggests the time be changed to 6 AM on Monday through Friday.

Josh Barton was concerned because construction vehicles need to warm up.

Selectman Delaney suggested the group review and mark up, then submit to the town their suggestions for changes to the proposed draft.

Closed the public hearing at 7:05 PM

Upddate On Budget Committee And Town Report

Roy reported that the town report went to the printer without the Budget Committee’s input and recommendations. The Budget Committee will meet afterward. They do not have the water and fire district information so therefore will not have their recommendations to put into the Town Report. Town Counsel recommended attaching the information in a pamphlet style. Roy will request the Budget Committee to staple and add the information to the Town Reports.

Complaint On 40 Switch Road

A resident on Switch Road wrote a letter and included photos concerning the number of unregistered and uninspected vehicles on the property at 40 Switch Road. The complaint will be given to the Zoning Administrator.

Town Office Boiler Repairs

Roy reported that the Library did not have heat on Saturday. This is the fourth time in six weeks. Huckleberry Fuels came out on Monday to repair the boiler again.

Single Stream Recycling Increase

Single stream has increased $20.00 a ton according to Marilyn Weare. It was $54.00 a ton and effective 2/15/2016 it will be $74.00 a ton. It adjusts on a monthly basis. To remove glass at $30.00 a ton, it’s cheaper to separate the glass from other recyclables.