President, American Delta, Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente

opinion-op-ed-at-the-polls-de-la-fuenteI’m not a career politician. I’m just like you. I live in the real world, not a political one.

  • I don’t have to pretend to understand minority issues, because I am a minority.
  • I don’t have to pretend to understand how to create jobs, because I have created thousands.
  • I don’t have to pretend to understand the importance of paying a fair wage and providing healthcare benefits, because I’ve witnessed the impact it has on the lives of the families of those I employed.
  • I don’t have to pretend to understand international relations, because I’ve traveled extensively and both lived and worked abroad.
  • I don’t have to pretend to care about the environment, because I’m actually doing something about it through renewable energy.
  • I don’t even have to pretend to understand the cost of education, because I have five children.

And where I really differ: I don’t look at problems through a political lens; I look at them through a practical one.

Our nation is at a crossroad. Einstein once said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” I would suggest that it’s also true that we cannot solve our problems with the same people who created them. We’re suffering from political gridlock fashioned by career politicians who place party politics ahead of the people. Additionally, our election process has been rigged to maintain the status quo. It’s time for change, and I will do everything in my power to deliver it.