Conservation Commission Minutes, November 9, 2016

Condensed from approved minutes

Members Present: Nan Kaplan, Jerry Hersey, Larry Chase, Mary Anne Broshek, Tina Cotton, Jesse Schust.

Minutes: Mary Anne made a motion to approve the October minutes with small corrections or additions, Jerry seconded, and all were in favor.

ASLPT Report: The Annual Meeting took place on October 23 and Nan received a plaque honoring her for service on the Board as she completes her term. The Biannual Meeting of Conservation Chairs was held on October 20. This meeting is held biannually to bring Conservation Chairs within the ASLPT region together to share ideas, concerns and information.

Monitoring: Mary Anne will check to see if Fenvale Easement monitoring was completed by Derek Mansell. We will take steps to monitor if still necessary. Mary Anne will send Tina Derek’s comments for the Newman Easement monitoring and Tina will complete the monitoring form.

Earle Chase Report: The Earle Chase report has been circulated. Earle identified further restoration measures that he recommended. Mary Anne will send the report to the Board of Selectmen and Planning Board. Larry made a motion to investigate the purchase of permanent wetland marking disks to delineate the wetland boundary and buffer of the Bog Pond wetlands, as mapped by Earle Chase and Derek Mansell, and to purchase these disks. Tina seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Mary Anne will ask Derek if he has photographs of the Bog Pond wetlands.  Tuesday November 29 at 6.30 PM, the CC will meet at Nan’s house to discuss Earle’s report.

Bradley Lake: Marj Roy called Doug Miner of DRED to have a look. Chris Caron is roughing out a road through Jim Emerson’s property to Tina White’s property to log there. A DES Wetlands Inspector was going to check compliance at Emerson’s after October 30 regarding a previous matter. Jerry will check if the Wetlands Inspector did follow through and Larry will check with Paul Susca.

NHACC Conference: Jesse and Nan intend to attend the conference. Mary Anne made a motion that the CC reimburses the cost of registration and mileage for both of them. Larry seconded and all were in favor. The total cost is $125.