Conservation Commission Minutes, December 14, 2016

Condensed from approved minutes

Members Present: Jerry Hersey, Larry Chase, Tina Cotton, Jesse Schust.

Minutes: Larry made a motion to approve the November minutes with small corrections or additions. Tina seconded and all were in favor.

ASLPT Update: Nan is no longer on the ASLPT board because of term limit, but is still on two ASLPT committees.

Bradley Lake: Jerry checked with the DES Wetland Inspector about whether the restoration work previously requested of Emerson in the Bradley Lake area took place within the deadline. There is more work still to do.

Bog Pond: On November 29, the CC met at Nan’s house to discuss Earle Chase’s recommendations. The main outcome of this meeting was a plan to reinforce the flagging of the boundary of the Bog Pond wetlands, so that we do not lose the mapping work done by Earle and Derek Mansell.

On December 4, Conservation Commission members Jesse, Tina, and Mary Anne Broshek met Selectperson Vicky Mishcon at the Transfer Station to look at the boundary mapping that Earle and Derek did. With Vicky, the CC members measured and placed several stakes in the active excavation area to mark the approximate distance of the 100-ft buffer to protect the prime wetlands as recommended by Earle. CC members then placed orange painted stakes at each place along the wetland boundary that Earl and Derek had marked with pink tape.

Approximately 90 grade stakes were purchased for $65.44 by Jesse. Tina proposed that the CC reimburse Jesse for this amount. Larry seconded the motion and all agreed.

Later that week, Jesse used a GPS program to record the entire mapped wetland boundary, and the recommended 100-ft buffer in the area of highway department excavation nearest the Bog Pond prime wetland. Jesse superimposed the connected GPS points on 2011 and 2016 satellite map views of the transfer station/excavation areas to document changes from excavation and moving stock piles of sorted material.

Earle recommended that we install more permanent metal wetland boundary markers available from sign companies. Jesse brought samples of boundary markers from Voss Signs of New York to the meeting. These signs are relatively low cost, starting at approximately $1.50 per sign, and higher prices for additional features, thicker material, more colors, etc. We will decide about signs at a later date, but due to budget concerns, permanent signage and metal stakes will have to occur piecemeal in the most vulnerable areas.

Earle Chase Report: We reviewed Mary Anne’s and Tina’s comments on the wetlands boundary marking and Earle Chase’s recommendations. We will take into consideration budgets, town needs and priorities, time lines, and common sense. We noted prior correspondence with Andy Deegan concerning the Bog Pond wetland and felt it would be helpful to have a site visit with him as he suggested.

Mary Anne notified us before the meeting that she plans to send Earle’s final report to Jason Aube at DES. She also feels it will be important to get Ridge Mauck involved.

Larry Chase has been trying to reach John Thompson to discuss the future gravel work that is planned by the highway department near Bog Pond.

Yearly Report: Tina agreed to write the CC section for the yearly Town Report.

Budget Presentation November 30: Mary Anne’s report was sent out to members of the Town Budget Committee. She also gave them a list of the properties that the CC is responsible for monitoring. Our operating budget request of $1000 is the same as last year, even though more than that has been spent with the excess coming out of the 2017 appropriation.

Chart of Conserved Lands: Mary Anne has been in touch with Derek to update the chart of conserved lands.

Monitoring Reports: We are still completing the monitoring reports.

NHACC Conference: Jesse reported that the conference was very helpful to him and Nan Kaplan. The cost of travel was borne by the Wilmot CC members, Marion Allen and Tom Schamberg, and proof of registration fees will be submitted to Marj for reimbursement. Jesse attended a talk on wetland permit processes and plans to get some more information from the speaker, which may be helpful to the Andover and Wilmot CCs.

Other Business: Jesse will check with Nancy Teach for the current Town ordinance concerning wetlands.