School Board Minutes, December 6, 2016

Condensed from approved minutes

Board Members present: Michelle Dudek, Mark Heller, Dean Barker, Annie MacKenzie, and Misty Sava

Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Christine Barry, Robin Heins, Kathleen Boucher, Jane Slayton, and Judith Turk

Public Present: Tina Cotton, Tibor Farkas, Paul Marinace

Minutes of Previous Meetings:

For the Public Session of November 1, 2016, Misty motioned to accept the minutes and Annie made the second. All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

For the Non-Public Session of November 1, 2016, Dean motioned to accept the minutes and Mark H made the second. All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

For the Work Session of November 8, 2016, Misty motioned to accept the minutes and Mark H made the second. All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

Public Comment: Tina suggested that further reference materials regarding the Facility Study could potentially be distributed in The Beacon.

Finance Report: Annie motioned to accept the financial report and Mark H made the second. All were in favor and the report was approved.

Board Chairperson’s Report: Michelle expressed appreciation to Dean, Annie, and Jane for their work with the organization of tours and information sessions regarding the Facility Study.

She reviewed some upcoming dates of relevance: Budget Work Session, December 13, 2016 at 5:30 PM; SAU 46 Meeting, December 8, 2016 at 6 PM at Merrimack Valley High School; Budget Committee Meeting, January 4, 2017 at 7 PM, and the Public Meeting on January 8, 2017 at 7 PM at Andover Elementary Middle School.

Facilities Project Update: This evening, December 6, the second AE/MS building tour and information session was held. The building aid application will be hand delivered to the New Hampshire Department of Education on December 7. The informational trifold needs to be printed and distributed for the purpose of continuing to educate the public of the Facility Study Proposal.

First Student Update: Negotiations are still in progress.

Manifest Journal Entries to Sign: Mark H. moved to approve the signing of the manifest journal entries. Dean made the second. All were in favor and the journal entries were approved.

Superintendent’s Report:

Mark M. commended Dean, Annie, Jane, and the SAU staff regarding their work with the Facility Project.

He enjoyed assisting with the recent AE/MS Grandparent Thanksgiving event.

The Input Based Accountablity System (IBAS) onsite visit recently took place. The purpose is to monitor whether the school is meeting the minimum standards for educating the students. A written report with feedback is forthcoming.

Mark M. recently attended the Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference. He shared resources with both the Merrimack Valley and Andover staff members.

It is currently Computer Science Education Week.

Dean, Annie, and Mark M. recently met with the AE/MS staff to review the details of the Facility Study proposal.

He invited the Andover Select Board to the SAU 46 Semi Annual Board Meeting on December 8.