Permaculture Design Course Offered at D Acres

Course runs monthly starting in May

Press release

Are you feeling disheartened about the world’s problems? Are you looking for creative solutions to complex issues such as climate change, food security, or loss of biodiversity? Are you looking for ways to become more self-sufficient, to live harmoniously with nature, or to build resilient communities? Whether you’re a homeowner, novice gardener, farmer, environmentalist, community organizer, educator, planner, or urban dweller, permaculture can provide you with a set of tools for designing ecologically sound, productive landscapes that meet human needs.

D Acres Farm and Educational Homestead is currently seeking participants for its 2017 Permaculture “Through the Seasons” Design Certification Course that runs monthly over seven weekends from May to November. Learn about the fundamentals of Permaculture Design, a holistic framework used to create sustainable, resilient ways of living, and how you can apply the framework to your own home and community. Discover land regeneration strategies, such as building soil fertility, rainwater catchment techniques, and ecological gardening. Practice your site analysis and design skills by creating a design for your own home or a site of your choosing with input and guidance from a dynamic team of Permaculture practitioners. Gain hands-on experience in homesteading and learn self-reliance skills such as natural building, growing food, preserving the harvest, and building soil.

The course is designed to maximize practical learning by following the annual flow of the seasons and embedding students in rhythms of D Acres, an ecologically designed permaculture education center located in Dorchester, New Hampshire. The course will meet on Saturday and Sunday over seven weekends from May to November, and tuition includes four nourishing organic meals and simple accommodations for one night each weekend. The course is primarily taught at D Acres, although there are occasional field trips to specific sites in the area. Participants will receive an internationally recognized Permaculture Design Certificate upon completion of the course.

If you would like to cultivate self-optimizing, ecologically regenerative, systems in your own backyard consider signing up for this Permaculture “Through the Seasons” Design Certification course. The tuition for the course is $1,400, and one can save $50 if registered by March. For more information, call Liz Kelly at 860-573-6458 or e-mail For more information about the course or to register, please visit