Andover Planning Board Minutes: May 9, 2017

Condensed from approved minutes

Members present: Nancy Teach, Chair; Randall Costa, Vice-Chair; Paul Currier; Art Urie; Doug Phelps, and David Blinn, Ex-Officio

Also present: Dave Powers, Zoning Administrator; Pat Moyer, Zoning & Planning Coordinator; John Guiheen; Dillon Gortney

Announcements / Correspondence

Urie made a motion for Randall to officially accept the position of Vice-Chair. Phelps seconded the motion. Costa accepted the position of Vice Chair and the board unanimously voted in favor of the motion.

Planning and Zoning Coordinator

A revised draft of the Home Occupation Permit was distributed to the board for review and editing. Currier made a motion to change the form from permit to registration. Phelps seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously in favor of the change. The board voted unanimously in favor of there not being a fee charged for the registration.

Zoning Administrator

Powers sent a letter to the property owner of 21 Ice House Lane regarding the deck near Highland Lake. The owner advised she was referred to the Sate and received verbal approval from the State. Powers indicated he needs to see the permit from the State prior to issuing a building permit and confirm the setback allowed in the Shoreland Act.

Powers received an inquiry pertaining to an addition to the Wagner property on Route 4. The front of the home is 50’ from the centerline of the road and the setback will sit back a couple of feet from the existing home. Powers inquired if this was still within the setback and he was advised a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment is needed.

Received notice from Proctor Academy regarding the field house project. They will not be doing the entrance tower that was indicated on their original plan. There will be no changes to the exterior, only the interior. Powers needs to confirm if there will be any alterations to the grass, landscaping, driveway or paths.

Powers is concerned that the addition at 332 Main Street could possibly be an accessory dwelling unit.

Selectboard Update – Dave Blinn

Blinn advised the board that the coffee shop at 207 Main Street has been in continuous use for several years by Proctor students and was previously approved. The coffee shop is not open to the public.

Blinn advised the person interested in operating a food truck to pull together a plan to present to the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment. The town is not interested in her using any town property.

Blinn advised the board that the Selectboard is working on a meeting for committee chairs and vice-chairs to review right-to-know laws; ethics and civility guidelines; inter-board communication; budget deadlines for town meeting; board member appointments; and changes to town hall.

There has been an inquiry into the purchase of the property on Bridge Road that the town currently owns. The town will have it surveyed and inventoried and the Selectboard will present any excavation plans to the Planning Board.

Blinn met with Derek Mansell and Jesse Schust regarding Bog Pond.

LRPC Map Project

Phelps will forward the map to Currier; however, it will not include the overlay of the town zoning map.

Non-Binding Consultation: Dillon Gortney

Dillon indicated to the board he is interested in purchasing 1 Potters Road to operate a car dealership and repair shop with inspections. Access will be off Potter Road; there will be employees and have an office in a separate building. The board advised Dillon he will need to submit an application for a Special Exception for commercial use to the Zoning Board of Adjustment and then come before the Planning Board for a non-binding for a Site Plan Review.

Subdivision Application Revisions

Costa indicated that the application is completed for the boards review and Teach will distribute it to the board members via email. The minor subdivision application and major subdivision application has been incorporated into a single application. A public hearing to accept the subdivision application will be scheduled at a future Planning Board meeting.

Work on PUD and/or Conservation Subdivision – Randall Costa

Costa has done the frame-work for the PUD ordinance and he and Paul Currier will continue working on it.

Additional Items for Consideration

Teach will contact Zoning Board of Adjustment Chair regarding the Dan Merzi Special Exception applications.