Franklin VNA & Hospice Would Like to Make Summer Safety a Priority this Month!

There are so many fun things that we do in the summer months, it’s easy to forget some of the things we all need to do to keep everyone safe, healthy and enjoying the summer! July is the perfect time to take a moment to make a to-do safety list!

Swimming is the most popular summer activity, but can be extremely dangerous! Franklin VNA & Hospice wants to make water safety your priority by giving you some simple tips. Enroll everyone in age appropriate swim lessons. Contact the Franklin Parks & Recreation at 934-2118 to learn more about swim lessons in Franklin. Ensuring that everyone in the family can swim well is an important first step. Now follow it up with only swimming in designated areas supervised by lifeguards. Use the buddy system, even at public pools or lifeguarded beaches! Never leave a young child unattended near water, not even with another child to watch over them! Always teach children to ask permission to go near water. Young children or inexperienced swimmers should always wear U.S. Coast Guard approved life jackets when around water. If you go boating, no matter how experienced a swimmer you are, EVERYONE should wear a life jacket – most boating fatalities occur from drowning, and one half of those fatalities occur in calm water, according to the U.S. Coast Guard.

Sun safety is very important as well! Always remember to dress for the weather by wearing loose-fitting, light colored clothing made from breathable fabrics. Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of cool non-alcoholic drinks, especially water, before you feel thirsty. This will decrease your risk of dehydration. Protect your eyes from UV rays by wearing sunglasses. Limit the amount of time you spend in the sun especially between 11am and 4pm. Use sunscreen with an SFP of at least 15 that is labeled as being “broad-spectrum”. These tips will protect you from both UVA & UVB rays, but not from the heat!

Heat illnesses include heat stroke, heat exhaustion, fainting, edema (swelling of the hands, feet and ankles), heat rash and muscle cramps. Heat illnesses can affect you quickly and are mainly caused by overexposure or overexertion in the heat. The Franklin T.R.I.P. Center is happy to offer a cooling station at their facility Monday through Friday from 8am to 2pm for anyone that needs to get out of the heat and into some air conditioning! They are located at 12 Rowell Drive right here in Franklin. Any questions please call Nancy at 934-4151.

Pollen counts have a negative effect on almost everyone, but especially those with allergies and/or asthma! Air quality is something we need to keep a close eye on, as well as loved ones that we know have the hardest time when the air quality becomes dangerous! July and August are horrible months for those with mold and spore allergies. As the weeks go on during these two months these types of allergens only get worse. Mold and spores are the allergies of the summer! Mold grows on fallen leaves, compost piles, grasses and grains. By August they are at their worse so, if possible, run air conditioning with a HEPA filter to help keep your allergies and asthma under control as much as possible. If air conditioning isn’t a possibility for you, the T.R.I.P. Center is a nice option to escape those air quality issues!

For more information, call Franklin VNA & Hospice at (603)934-3454 or visit Your choice, your local VNA.