School Board Minutes, 10/2/18

By Judith Turk

OCTOBER 2, 2018
6:30 p.m.

1. ROLL CALL AND CALL TO ORDER:  The Andover School Board meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by ASB Chair, Dean Barker.
Board Present:  Dean Barker, Brian Gilman, Annie MacKenzie, Theresa Georges and Aimee Menard.
Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Jane Slayton, Robin Heins and Judith Turk.
Public Present:  Tina Cotton, James Hersey, Chuck Keyser, Chris Norris, Arch Weathers
and Mary Ann Levesque.

For the PUBLIC SESSION of September 4, Aimee motioned to accept the minutes and Brian made the second.  All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.
3.  FINANCE REPORT:   Aimee made the motion to accept the finance report.  Annie made the second and the report was approved.
5.  BOARD CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT:  Dean is delighted that education is proceeding and the flurry of activity has been impressive during this busy time of year.
6. PRINCIPAL’S REPORT:  Ms. Slayton spoke of the eighth graders’ participation in the recent Naturalization Ceremony which was held at the State House.  They also spent some time at the Court House, participating in educational opportunities. The Veterans Day Ceremony is scheduled for November 8th.  The Student Assistance Program will begin for seventh and eighth students in early October.
  A. AEMS Building Project Update: Robin stated that the project is near completion with some fine tuning, working on heat and air balance and tending to punch lists.  Technology updates are near completion and thanks was given to Randy for all of his assistance. According to Robin and Mark, working with CCI Construction was a great experience and they have continued to take ownership for the project since school has started.  Dean would like to promote a further celebration aside from Open House.
    B. Boys and Girls Club Lease:  Board Action is required regarding the approval of the Boys/Girls Club After School Program Lease.  Aimee moved to accept the terms of the lease and sign, and Brian made the second. All were in favor and in agreement to sign the lease.  A clean copy with the date of approval will be provided.
    C. Open House – reminder:  Open House will take place on Thursday, October 4th at 6:00 PM for families of K-8 students.
    A. Budget Committee:  Arch stated that the facility is fabulous.  He informed the ASB that Nancy Teach has resigned from the Budget Committee.  Robin explained the fund balance to be returned to the taxpayers. A discussion took place regarding transportation. It was stated that the transportation contract will be going out to bid and Merrimack Valley will be explored as an option.  The teacher’s contract is in its second year and the third step increase is in place. Archie requested that enrollment figures be sent to the committee. A schedule of upcoming collaborative events is included in the Board Packet. The budget will be submitted to the committee on January 2nd, the presentation will take place on the 9th and the public hearing will be held on the 16th.    
9.  MANIFEST JOURNAL ENTRIES TO SIGN:  Annie made the motion to approve the journal entries.  Theresa made the second and the entries were approved.
10.  SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT:  Mark acknowledged Randy for all of his support in advancing the AEMS technology capabilities.  Mark and others recently attended the NHSAA Curriculum Conference and plan to attend the upcoming Kidder Law Conference.  Mark will be serving on the Governor’s Committee regarding the opening of school after Labor Day proposal. He assured that he will be advocating for the students.  The new student data input system, ALMA is being implemented in both Merrimack Valley and Andover.
11. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT:  Randy stated that there is a continuation of new legislation regarding education that will impact the need to update and change some current policies.
12.  ADJOURNMENT:  Aimee made the motion to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.,   Annie made the second and all were in favor. Meeting adjourned.   
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Turk