Fifty Years Ago: July, 1963

An elephant and a zebra in East Andover!

Here’s some old news from the Andover, East Andover, West Andover, Potter Place, and Cilleyville “gossip” columns of the Franklin Journal Transcript, selected by Heather Makechnie. Many thanks to Franklin Public Library librarians for their help.

July 4, 1963

Andover Extension Club held its last meeting till September at the home of Mrs. Irving Stults, with eight members present. The following officers were elected: President: Mrs. Clyde Currier; Vice President: Ruth Decatur; Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. Don Buswell; and Publicity: Mrs. Amos Johnson.

Showing at the Regal (which is advertising for a projectionist) “The Sky Above, The Mud Below” – An actual film taken in the jungle by seven men, only two of whom came back. Headhunters! Cannibals! Rites filmed that had never been seen by white man! Plus (don’t miss it) Jackie Gleason in “Papa’s Delicate Condition.”

July 11, 1963

Timothy H. Frost joins the A.W. Frost Agency.

Maude E. Courtermarsh (Mrs. Perley C.) of East Andover, died July 4, after a long illness. Mrs. Courtermarsh was born August 29, 1889 in Andover, the daughter of George and Anna (Bean) Severence. She was previously married to James Kenniston. She was a member of the Congregational Church and a charter member of the Fortnightly Club, as well as belonging to the Highland Lake Grange for over 50 years.

Mrs. Josephine Crisp is Chairman for the Andover division for the New London Hospital Day, coming up August 13. Get in touch with Jo to donate.

July 18, 1963

Andover Service Club is having their summer sale this Saturday at Proctor Green from 2 to 4 PM. The Club will meet August 13 for an all-day sewing Cancer Meeting. If anyone has some white cloth they may call Mrs. Bernice Powers. This meeting will be held at the home of Adele Glaubit. Members of the organization include Ray Denberg, Adelaide MacKenzie, Grace George, Katherine Hamp, Ella Phelps, Mrs. Murray Smith, Florence Wyeth, Marjorie Stultz, Helen Phelps, Cordelia Graves, Violet Grant, Dean Charles, Clara Jones, Frieda Wilson, Evelyn Kennedy, Eldora Walker, Grace Fenton, Eliza Buzzell, Mrs. Lawrence Rising, and Marsha Kimball.

Mr. Green, owner of the Fairlee, Vermont Wild Bird and Animal Farm, and his trainee, Mrs. L. L. Ray, spent one month at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tibbett on Taunton Hill Road. While here they had their trained elephant, zebra, and llamas with them. Many people in town enjoyed the ride up there to see these animals, which have been on the Ed Sullivan Show and many other TV shows.

Marty Thisell is walking again, and will be home Friday to stay. Marty, now six, was stricken with polio a year ago. He is imbued with extraordinary morale and perseverance, and was determined to walk again. Now, with only the aid of a brace on his right leg and crutches, he is walking, and will enter third grade in Andover Elementary School this fall.

This lad has made so much remarkable progress, he was the subject of a story in the Peterborough Transcript this last week. Marty was stricken suddenly with the crippling disease a year ago June, while playing at his home in East Andover, and was taken to Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center by last July, unable to sit or to move. Marty has come a long way. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Thisell, purchased a station wagon so that they and their eight other children could to go back and forth for regular visits to Marty at the Center.

July 28, 1963

Fred Appleton of New Jersey called on friends in town a couple of days last week. Mr. Appleton graduated Proctor Academy 70 years ago in 1893.

The Central New Hampshire Baseball Andover League played Laconia on Sunday in Andover, winning 4 to 0. Murray Smith, Nick Hamp, and Tom Adams were chosen to play on the All-Star Team in Laconia July 16.