A Perfect Day for Andover High All-Class Reunion

About 70 in attendance

By Judy Perreault, AHS '53

We couldn’t have asked for a nicer day for the annual Andover High School all-class reunion on July 12 – sunny and warm, with blue skies. There were plenty of tented and shady areas to set up chairs at the Ordway Recreational Area in South Danbury. The Ordway boys were on hand to park cars, and thanks to them the tents were up and the PA system was working.

The boys had built a new shed this year, which housed the refrigerator and electrical outlets. They also came back and cleaned up. Thanks, guys. Lily Ordway had the signs up and the tables all set. Coffee was on, and we were set to go.

Classmates started arriving at ten o’clock, and there was lots of visiting, especially with those who had come long distances and we only get to see once a year. Jerry Alley flies in from Texas each year, and Harold Crane comes most years from California. Others have long rides from New Hampshire and surrounding states.

We appreciate the effort you make to join us each year. Over 70 folks attended. It always surprises me that we have such a sizable group, considering that the last class (’63) graduated 51 years ago. The class of ’49 was celebrating its 65th reunion. They tied with ’58 for the most attending.

In Memoriam

  • Gladys Brooks ’35
  • Esther Lordon Charest ’42
  • Celenia Lewis Vaughn ’43
  • Marjorie Huntoon ’44
  • Bryant Adams ’45
  • Lucille Braley Gaudette ’52
  • Louise Putney Remington ’53
  • John Twomey ’53
  • Ruth Peters Courtemanche ’54
  • Graham “Terry” Hill ’56
  • William Tilton ’57
  • Budd Keyser ’58

We began with our Andover cheer followed by the flag salute. Gay Ellen Rayno led us in singing God Bless America. We had a moment of silence for our departed classmates. We took class pictures, and the only classes not represented were ’40, ’43, ’44, ’46, and ’60.

Prizes were awarded. Margie Walker Piper came the closest to guessing how many jelly beans were in the jar. She guessed 159, and there were 157. Her prize was a candle. Judy Boyd Leavitt won the door prize, a gift certificate to Blackwater Junction Restaurant.

We sang a couple of school songs and adjourned to a delicious potluck lunch. There was a great variety of food and a great assortment of desserts. Folks drifted away after lunch, and so ended another Andover High Reunion.

See you next year!