Andover Congregational Undertakes Important Building Projects

Donations to help repair historic buildings are welcome

By Sandy Miller, Andover Congregational Church
John and Joyce Bourdon performed extensive repairs on the cradle of the bell atop the Andover Congregational Church. Their next project will be repairs to the steeple itself.
John and Joyce Bourdon performed extensive repairs on the cradle of the bell atop the Andover Congregational Church. Their next project will be repairs to the steeple itself.

Don’t forget the Andover Congregational Church’s (ACC) annual flea mart and bake sale on Saturday, August 30, on the Andover Village Green from 9 AM to 2 PM. Refreshments will also be for sale, and a bouncy house will be available for appropriate aged kids.

Now that the work on the bell cradle of the church is complete, we’ve discovered that there is work to be done on the steeple. Again, John Bourdon will be in charge of this project, with an expected cost in the vicinity of $7,500. There is also work to be done at the Highland Lake Grange Hall and at the East Andover Village Preschool, with a price tag of over $5,000.

All three of these buildings are in the Historical Registry. Anyone wishing to make a donation towards the cost of this work may do so by making out a check to the Andover Congregational Church with the words “Building Projects” in the memo line. The mailing address is ACC, PO Box 211, East Andover 03231. Donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated.

ACC will be starting up the Alpha course on Tuesday, September 16. This is an 11-week course on basic Christianity and is ideal for new Christians or those just seeking to learn more about the faith in a non-threatening environment. It will begin with a meal shared by all, followed by a video, and then informal discussion. Questions are encouraged (no question is considered stupid).

This course is free to all. It will be held on Tuesday evenings, beginning about 6:15 PM and ending around 9 PM. We will also run a Beta program at the same time in the upstairs of the Highland Lake Grange Hall – the subject has not yet been determined. For further information on either of these programs, call Linda Wickstrom at 286-8695 or the church office at 735-5160.

Sunday School will be starting up on Sunday, September 21. It will run at the same time as church – 9:30 to 10:45 AM. This is under the leadership of Bonnie Wesley. Childcare is also provided. Call the church office for more information.

Bible Study, on the book of the prophet Isaiah, will resume on Wednesday, September 17, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM at the home of Irene Jewett.

We encourage you to join us for church and at any of the aforementioned study groups. God is indeed alive and well at the ACC!