Fred Marple of Frost Heaves NH Comes To Andover

“You can’t get there from here.”

By Mary Ofenloch, President, Andover Service Club
Fred Marple of Frost Heaves, NH will appear in Andover for an evening of New Hampshire humor to benefit the Andover Service Club’s scholarship fund.

On Saturday evening, April 20, at AE/MS, the Andover Service Club will sponsor a performance of Fred Marple of Frost Heaves, New Hampshire. Time and ticket prices will be announced in the March issue of The Andover Beacon.

Fred Marple is the unofficial spokesman for the mythical town of Frost Heaves, the most under-appreciated town in New Hampshire. He’s on a one-man campaign to put Frost Heaves back on the map, since – as the town’s motto goes – you can’t get there from here.

Fred, also known as humorist and songwriter Ken Sheldon, has appeared on New Hampshire Chronicle, in the pages of Yankee Magazine as Contributing Editor and New Hampshire Magazine, on radio, and in the viral Internet hit Yoga for Yankees.

Join Fred as he holds forth on town government, the weather, the wacky characters that inhabit Frost Heaves, and whatever else strikes his fancy. It’s an evening of music and laughter that is uniquely New Hampshire.

This is a family-friendly show. Proceeds are for the benefit of the Andover Service Club Merit Scholarship Fund.