Town Clean Up Planned for May

No sign-ups.  Just get out there!

By Mary Anne Broshek, Andover Conservation Commission

The eighth annual Town Clean-Up will begin on Tuesday, May 1. This event is a joint effort by the Andover Conservation Commission and the Town of Andover. Andover residents are encouraged to adopt a road or roads to clean up during the first week of May (or until the end of the month, if more time is needed). Once again, participants can pick up free blue trash bags:
On or after April 27 – the Town Hall entry way and the Bachelder Library
On or after April 28- The Andover Transfer Station.

When full, the bags can be brought to the Transfer Station or left by the side of the road. Bags left on the side of the road will be picked up and brought to the Transfer Station by Road Agent John Thompson and his crew at no cost to the Town.
Please try to recycle as much as possible! We hope that you will join this clean up effort.