Planning Board Minutes 6/12/18

By Nancy Teach

Meeting convened at 7:00 p.m.

Members Present:  Paul Currier, Interim Chair; Nancy Teach, Art Urie, and Doug Phelps, Planning Board Members; Dave Blinn, Ex-Officio, Pat Moyer, Planning and Zoning Coordinator, and Randy Monti potential new Planning Board member.

Appointment of New Member Randy Monti
Monti will attend the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, June 18, 2018 for appointment to the Planning Board. Monti will meet with Marj Roy, Town Administrator, who can swear him in as an alternate member on the Planning Board.

Dave Blinn, Ex-Officio reported on the following:
White Oak Pit – The Temporary Use Agreement (TUA) with the State regarding White Oak Pit will need to be signed by the Select Board in order to start negotiating with the State. The Town can continue to use the property and it assumes the liability along with its use. The Select Board will have a face-to-face meeting with Bill Cass of the NH Department of Transportation.

Transfer Station –

o Shawn Plankey from JP Pest Services noted that they are getting ahead of the vermin problem. But that it requires ongoing maintenance treatments.
o Blinn explained to the Board that they are looking for employees. The supervisor position has only had one applicant so far.

Last Street Bridge – an unexpected issue arose for this bridge. It will be taken care of very soon. Oil companies in the area are being cautious about their delivery trucks crossing such bridges. Sean James from Hoyle and Tanner Engineers will look at the bridge and tell the Town what needs to be done. The Board is hoping that it will only be the decking repair because they already have those materials. The engineer will also make a list of Andover bridges and prepare an assessment of what needs to be done on these bridges.

Lawrence Street Bridge – the beginning process is happening to repair this bridge. There is federal money that should happen in the years 2021 or 2022 for replacement of the bridge.

Ruggles Mines – Teach asked if the half-fallen down sign for Ruggles Mines at the entrance to the Ragged Mountain Fish and Game Club can be taken down. Blinn will find out who owns the property and bring it to the Select Board for an agenda item.

Beach House – it is all painted and the floor completed

Merrimack County Culvert Assessment – The Board is working with this entity who will make a list of all culverts in Andover and do an assessment of cost and help we can receive.

Verizon wood issue – After discussion the Board felt that the suggestions for donating the wood cut on this project was a good one, but no one stepped forward. The consensus of the Board was to contact their attorney, Victor Manougian, and let him know that the town is unable to find a use for the wood. Verizon should use the wood as they see fit. The Town appreciates their willingness to talk about options for use of the wood, but he town is unfortunately unable to use it.

Verizon Notice of Lease Agreement (Amendment #1)- Teach asked if Blinn could get the signed document  from Roy so that she can send the complete information to the Planning Board members.

Verizon Building Permit-  After discussion, the Board agreed that once Verizon moves forward and requests a building permit, there should be a meeting set so that the conditional items can be checked prior to issuing the permit.

Grants – Blinn will be meeting with other town select board members to discuss how they receive grants for projects in their towns. The goal is to find out how to bring people to Andover, not waiting for these folks to set up shop here.
Paul Currier reported on the following:  

Class VI Road Policy – Currier indicated that he met with the Select Board to encourage them to adopt the policy. The Board took it under advisement.
After Currier reported about meeting with the Select Board on the policy, he indicated that he realized there was a disconnect between the Select Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment with the Planning Board. Currier believes that the Master Plan might be the issue. Although Planning Board members are very familiar with the Master Plan, the other two boards are probably not as familiar. Currier proposed rejuvenating the Master Plan. The Board discussed options. Currier suggested a joint roundtable discussion with the Select Board, the Zoning Board of Adjustment, along with the Planning Board.

Zoning Administrator Supervision regarding Building Permits
Currier pointed out that Andover’s Zoning Ordinance does not clearly state who oversees the Zoning Administrator for issuing and administering building permits, the Planning Board or the Select Board. Currier also looked at the statutes for guidance along with the Office of Energy & Planning (OEP)website for direction. Currier opined that because the building permit process has been incorporated into the zoning ordinance, the Planning Board is probably the appropriate entity to supervise.  He questioned whether the Board needs to amend the Zoning Ordinance. Currier proposed that the Town Attorney receive that question.

Subdivision Regulations
Costa worked on revising the subdivision regulations without materially altering the content. The minor and major subdivision were the main point of this task, attempting to combine those processes and applications for it to be less complicated and less burdensome on the applicant. Currier will circulate through email to the Board members the old version and a red-lined version showing the changes Costa proposed. The Board needs to review the documents in preparation of the Public Hearing set for Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at 7:30 PM.
The Board also discussed the differences between a minor and major subdivision and whether it was the best option to combine those into one subdivision application. Urie believes the Planning Board is making a mistake by combining the two subdivision processes. The intent of the minor subdivision was for a small subdivision typically for a family, and the process was a bit simpler than the major subdivision rules.  

Other Business
June 26, 2018 meeting – Nancy Teach will not be in attendance
Task List – Currier will circulate to the Board members. The Board will work on this at the next meeting
Zoning Districts – After the public hearing on June 26, 2018, Urie would like the Board to work on the zoning districts and make appropriate changes.
Enforcement – Phelps will work on a process flow chart for the Board to review
Nuisance Ordinance – Blinn noted that this could be beneficial to the Town in some circumstances of unsightly properties.