John Kinney – Candidate for Select Board

By John Kinney

I’m running for Selectman to finish out the term to which I was appointed after volunteering to do so due to the sudden vacancies created following Town Meeting in March 2020. I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into. In addition to the regularly scheduled meetings, the new Select Board has met in many work sessions. I think the result was well worth the effort and extra time.

We now have a partially revamped Highway Department that is more efficient and a budget for 2021 that, if all warrant articles are adopted, will be less than one half of one percent (0.47) above the prior year, and we will be heading in a direction for a structured Highway Department that meets the needs of our community in a timely economic manner. This is primarily due to the great efforts of a Highway Advisory Committee. Their full report and the Select Board’s budget is available for review at the Town Offices and on

I’m asking for your vote as Selectman so I may complete the term to which I was appointed and fulfill the obligation it entails.