Andover Conservation Commission Minutes – March 12, 2021

By Lee Wells

Condensed from approved minutes

Jesse received email last month from Connie Colton from the Forest Society, requesting the monitoring report on Fenvale. Derek, Lee, and Ken walked it last summer.  Lee will submit the report. 

Proctor students will be doing some trail maintenance there on Earth Day, so Alan may do the monitoring report for 2021. That easement includes a strip along the Blackwater and the area around the marsh.

Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust: The outreach committee meeting will be on April 5 at 3 PM. Nancy and Lee will alternate going – Lee will attend in April.

Wetland Buffer Signs: Lee will get estimates from the prison workshop

Highway Department Plan: Jesse proposed that we let the Select Board know that the line budget item for maintaining the Beaver Deceivers (BD) is important.

We should look at the Highway Department plan, which is on the Town website. The Andover Conservation Commission wants to avoid catastrophic events and save the Town money, and the Beaver Deceivers are important in this regard.

Beaver Deceivers: Monthly pictures are being submitted to Alan. We need to identify the land owners abutting the deceivers and hold a stakeholders meeting, maybe in May. The meeting will be an educational opportunity for all.

Lee talked to the owner of the land on the upstream side of the Emery Road BD, Vinnie Tuzzo, and will talk with Craig Jacobson, who owns the land on the other side. The Emery Road BD looks good. 

Jesse isn’t seeing any changes on the Flaghole Road BD. Alan reported that Bridge Road looks good. We need to find out who all the land owners are and get them involved.

Alan was speaking with a DES environmental scientist who was working on a project at Proctor. He mentioned Tyler Davidson who works in the Wetlands Bureau and is a regional permit reviewer – Alan will be in touch with him.  He might be a good choice for a third party outside expert and a good evaluator for the effectiveness of our BDs.

We should put the data we are collecting on our website and have a way for people to contact us.  Nancy will check with Elita about setting up an ACC email for us through the town.

Bog Pond: When Dave Blinn was on the Select Board, there were initial discussions about putting land owned by the Town and by Belletetes under conservation easement. Dave recommended that we meet with the Select Board, the Road Agent, and a representative from Belletetes.

Monitoring Obligations 2020: Still trying to track these down. We need to monitor the ones held by the Town (Donaldson’s, another property on Severence Road, and one on Tucker Mountain Road); by ASLPT; and by the Forest Society.

Monitoring Records: Derek will help with this. Thanks to Alan for converting it.

Other Business: Jesse moved that we move our next meeting to Wednesday, April 7, to avoid being right after Town Election Day, seconded by Lee, all in favor.

The public is reminded that all are welcome to attend the monthly Conservation Commission meeting.  For the time being, we are meeting via Zoom on the second Wednesday of the month at 7 PM. Please join us: the meeting ID is 840 4526 9389, and the passcode is 835044.