Celebrate Spring and Growth with a Plant from Edward Jones

"Petal Power" supports community vitality

By Charlotte Rivera

Relationships are like plants in that they need to be nurtured to grow and develop. 2020, with its restrictions and social distancing, has been a sort of social “winter” for many; but the wonderful thing about winter is that new life emerges with the Spring.

This spring is special, because we’ve all been so over-wintered, we’re waiting by the door; noses pressed to the glass, ready to get out and get growing. Gardening gives us a sense of responsibility, stability, and control; but it also helps us let go, live in, and enjoy the present while working toward a goal.

Caring for something or someone else fosters the instinctive nurturer within us by connecting us to another living thing. The resulting relationship inspires us to broaden our horizons while reminding us that we are safe, loved, and cared for; much like we encourage our plants to branch outward or upward, our relationships open our minds to creative possibilities and encourage personal growth.

In an effort to encourage and support the vitality of our community, Edward Jones Financial Advisor Melissa J. Leintz, and her Branch Office Administrator, Charlotte L. Rivera have opted to generate some “petal power” outdoors at their branch office in New London. They would love to see you and send you home with a living token of their friendship for you to grow.

Stop by Monday, May 3 through Friday, May 7 at 75 Newport Road, Suite 107 (outside) in
New London.